Windy & Wallflower
8 months ago

Project Update: Locking Addresses!

Hi everyone!
Exciting news! We've got the last of our pins in hand (Greed & the two freebie extras) today in the mail!! Check 'em out! 

So now that we have all of our 7 deadly pins we are going to be locking orders (you will be sent a reminder email after this that will give you 48hrs to change your addresses if you need to change them). If you haven't moved you're all set to go!

Once everything is locked (by the end of the week) I will start packing up orders and shipping these guys out to you all!! Exciting!

Little reminder: if you added: the pin banner, the 7 deadly eyes keychain or the patch you will have to wait a little bit longer for us to ship out your orders. We're still waiting on those items to arrive.

I'll make another update here once all those packages are shipped out and hopefully by then I will have a bit more news about the remaining items we're waiting on.
I just figured I would update here just so nobody gets surprised by the sudden email prompt... also to show off the last of the set~!

Thanks so much for your patience everyone!
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