Windy & Wallflower
9 months ago

Project Update: Which Greed Pin Do We Want?

Hi everyone!
I'm back again with a new update. It's not a huge one here I've just made a change to one of the pins and since the change is Considerable I wanted to run it by people first just to see.

This change will only go into effect if there is a huge majority in its favour! I wasn't the MOST satisfied with the Greed pin design. Here's the original and new one side by side:

As you can see its extremely different so I wanted to let you folks chime in with your opinions on the matter (please vote in the poll below when you have a chance it would really help me!)

I'd like to get a good number of backers on that poll just to get a proper idea what you think if the poll has a big enough sample size (preferably over 50 of you respond) and the votes are looking 75% and above we'll make the change, if not we'll keep the design the same and it will be campaign exclusive & phased out into the new design when/if I reprint!

OTHERWISE-- now that the two of us are back from conventions and I've had a chance to recoup we're putting orders in this week and getting things prODUCED!

Thanks so much for your patience everyone! I look forward to hearing from you all~!
52 votes • Final results





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