2 days ago

Project Update: 🌊 "Surf-eys" Sent - Mothman Prototype Locked! 🌊

Hey Wild Ones!

Here's a small update with fantastic news! πŸŽ‰ Surveys are out, and most of you have already completed them - superb job! πŸ™Œ

Just a quick reminder: If you’re paying in parts, you won’t receive your survey until your final payment is made. No worries, as this will align perfectly with the expected shipping date!

πŸŽƒ Dottie Death's-Head πŸŽƒ

So far, 17 Dottie plushies have been pre-ordered, bringing us closer to our goal of making her a reality! πŸŽƒ

Anyone can pre-order Dottie, not just backers, so be sure to share her pre-order page and our social posts! With the ever-changing social media landscape, sharing is more helpful than ever. Spread the word wherever you are:

BlueSky  |  InstagramX  |  Facebook

 πŸ¦‹ Monty Prototype πŸ¦‹

Monty’s body build is officially approved! πŸŽ‰ This little bug… man… creature is shaping up beautifully. From his three fingers to his tiny buggy toes, he’s an absolute treasure.
Left/"Hair": Side view of hair embroidery | Middle/"Body": Monty! | Right/"Wings": Wing design

The last plush tweak was his tail! We adjusted the base to create a cuter, rounder β€œbulb” shape while making it easier to fit through pants/trouser accessories.

Monty Tail | Left/Right - Before/After

Final approvals that are left are just for the props and clothing. Props are extremely particularly shaped and sized, due to safety guidelines with magnets. The measuring cup and candle are taking the most effort to perfect due to their spherical shapes, the thermometer is just about completed, and the spatula just needs a fabric color change and a small magnet adjustment!

Monty Spatula | Left/Before: Lighter spatula, large center head embroidery - Right/After: Deeper wood color fabric and smaller embroidery on spatula head

πŸŒ™ Laisy Luna Moth πŸŒ™

Now that Monty’s plush design is locked in, we’re moving on to Laisy’s prototype! Since their body structure is similar to Monty’s, this process should be a bit smoother - though they’ll have unique embroidery and fabric length variations.

I’ll share photos as soon as we have a solid prototype!

The biggest challenge? Laisy’s clothing! This will be our first time working with:
πŸ‘š Layering fabrics
πŸ¦‹ Snaps & openings for wings/tails

It’ll be a fun adventure! ✨

πŸ“ Need Help with Your Svurvey?πŸ“

If you have any questions or concerns about your survey, please contact BackerKit support first. They’ll be the fastest and most helpful resource, but they’ll pass your request to me if necessary.


I know all caps might not be entirely necessary, but I’m so excited to finally tease this! πŸŽ‰

A Plushpanions Discord server is in the works! This was something I debated for a while, but as soon as one of you Wild Ones brought it up, it became clear - it’s an absolute must!

My partner and I are working hard to ensure every detail is thoughtfully planned. From helpful bots, role selection and honor titles ( based on how long you've been pledging ) to safety measures, age requirements, and community events, this space will be designed with care.

It’ll be a fantastic way to connect with fellow Wild Ones, share updates, outfits, and stay engaged with mini competitions and quests - without worrying about lost emails or full inboxes!

As usual: Stay tuned for more details! πŸ’š

Have a Wild Weekend!
user avatar image for Plushpanions





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