6 Unlocked Plushies and Accessories + Moth Heart Pin (Free)

Includes 2 items

  • ×1
    Wooden Moth Heart Pin
  • ×1
    6 Unlocked Plushpanions
Six of any Eclipse Pal plush designs unlocked throughout the campaign and their accessories.

✨ This is a discounted Backerkit price as a thank you for your support! The estimated MSRP of these Plushpanions is $56 USD each, saving you $80 USD with this bundle overall.

The moth wing heart pin included in this bundle is FREE, thank you for your pledge!

The first 200 plushies of each design will have the limited edition moth-shaped eye gloss embroidery. We will honor the order of pledge and add-on purchases as received, so there is no guarantee of the limited edition gloss embroidery.

Shipping, VAT, and taxes will be calculated and charged upon a successful campaign and will be the responsibility of the backer.

6 Unlocked Plushies and Accessories + Moth Heart Pin (Free)


2 Backers