Wicked Oni Publishing
2 months ago

Project Update: Less than 48h to go! Let me tell you about The Iron Hive's favorite Personnel Assistant!

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But as I said in the last update, let's talk about Xiao Mifeng!
Xiao Mifeng's early sketches

Meet Xiao Mifeng, she's loved by everyone in The Iron Hive, she has become sort of a mascot of the space station, she has persisted through adversities, evolving and adapting better than anyone in this wretched place. Has outlived her initial purpose, and will probably outlive everyone in the Hive.

But just how did she came to be? Well, The Iron Hive wasn't always this multi-layer criminal-ridden place, it once was just Asteroid XY-90, where HiveCorp Industries settle its mining operation on this promising, resource rich asteroid. With so many branches and operations all running at once, a big one like HCI can't be bothered with menial tasks such as reminding workers basic safety precautions or keeping track of the what, when, and where of each employee, that's where Personnel Assistants come in handy, Xiao Mifeng was installed on every single device in the mining base, serving both as a corporate overseer, and a happy face to keep morale up!

Things happened in what had been nicknamed by the workers as the "Misery Station" in asteroid XY-90, things that even after all the efforts from HiveCorp Industries to bring as many workers and their families to live here, even after waging corporate wars for resources, even after all the millions of credits invested in this operation, HiveCorp Industries left, abandoned it all. Some workers fled as well, but not everyone had a place where to go.

Xiao Mifeng could've been wiped if it weren't for these workers that chose to stay, that chose to keep the lights on and endure corporate abandonment. And without the chains of corporate duty, Xiao Mifeng became a friend, someone to talk to when things were rough, she helped handle the closure of some mines and caverns, and with the restructuring and repurposing of the resources left behind by HiveCorp Industries, she helped build The Iron Hive's foundations.

Skip to the present and you can understand how she came to be loved by everyone! And the fact that she trojan-horses herself into any device with a screen that enters The Iron Hive makes it easier to just accept her and love her!

And that will be all for now! Hope you—as any other that visits The Iron Hive—have come to love and appreciate Xiao Mifeng, she'll be waiting for you this November 12th!

In fact, she has an important message for you right now, look!





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