Wicked Oni Publishing
2 months ago

Project Update: [0001] Happy New Year from the depths of The Iron Hive!

Happy holidays everyone! This is our first ever update! ♥

Moving hell is over

First and foremost: I (abrah) finally moved, that whole process was a nightmare and I'm so glad I finally found a place, for the past 2 weeks I've been unpacking, painting, fixing, setting up stuff, so if you thought I was resting from the campaign, let me tell you something: I don't know how to stay still, so no, just this weekend I finally took some time to sit down and do something fun for myself (painting minis) (@_wicked_oni_art on ig if you're curious).

A new hell is upon us

Why can't we just have money and transfer it around without issues? WHY!? Funds rolled in this past Wednesday, we are using Wise to get the money from Stripe, and we were hoping to just wire transfer it to Colombia, however, Wire Transfers using Wise balance are turned off for Colombia! How fun, so we contacted support to better understand the situation, we may need to open another bank account to transfer there and then back to us, what a mess.

What does this do to our current timeline? Nothing. Well yeah we can't pay the artists their cut just yet, but we'll figure it out, at least we have the money somewhere, even if it feels like it's inside a crystal box and we can just admire it and not touch it or use it, luckily big boy production money is not needed immediately so we can make do right now.

Pledge Manager

This is the current thing we are setting up, we were talking with BK and looking into the "Charge Shipping Later" option, since we want to give you an accurate price and not just an estimate on that, BK already replied and we will be going through that setup and send them as soon as we can! There's some info we need from some of you (names from HiveCorp Industries Representatives and general contact info from Iron Hive Meisters) so it's important to us that these go out asap!

When to expect the early access PDF?

As stated on the campaign story, the PDF should be going out "Early Q1", we are aiming for somewhere between the last week of Jan to the first of Feb. By then we will have figured out the surveys.


Some of you already figured that out, but if you missed the campaign, there's still chance to get it! Just go to the campaign itself and click on this, it'll take you to the Pre-Order Store!


I (abrah) haven't had time to set this up properly (I actually ended up doing a lot of that setup while writing this) but I already have some content planned for the newsletter, Encounters with the unknown, reports for new horrors, little short stories to use as a seeds for you to include new fun stuff for your players! Heavily inspired in the way Unconfirmed Contact Reports is presented.

For the time being, you can subscribe to it right now! There are no plans on spamming anyone with 5 posts per week, or making super long posts (yet), my goal is to have something you can open and read right away without feeling you have to sit down and make time to read. Encounters with the unknown will most likely be a future content so take this opportunity to get an early look at what the horrors will be!

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