We've hit the first stretch goal since the last update, now there's another that's been added! This means that the Urn Mini Expansion will be added to all pledges with the physical game and there's a potential second expansion that could also be added. Plus, the usual card quality goal that I love adding as fancy cards makes for fancy card games. Now, for the triple artifact expansion... these card are super powerful, but also expensive and must go on the right end of your exhibit; you don't get a choice of where to place these artifacts like you do with other artifacts. Plus, the resource cards that are a choice of two, to make artifacts a bit easier to acquire.
Thank You!
Again, you are all amazing! It's definitely been a great experience to work on Dreams of Yesterday and I can't wait to see what you think of the game. Plus, there's Motley! If you like portable games, you might want to add on Motley to your pledge as it's a party game for those who might not be so great at drawing or coming up with great word clues (like me!).
If you'd like to help us get to the stretch goals, please keep sharing the campaign and reviews of the game. With your help, we'll surely meet them all before too long!