Wayward Enigma Designs
4 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are Live!

🎉🎉Surveys are Now Live!! 🎉🎉

When Are The Survey Due Dates?

The cut-off for surveys will be December 13,2024. However, completing it sooner helps me make sure I have enough of everything ordered as well as not having to worry you might forget about it. I'll send out a reminder 1 week before the due date to those who are still pending. 

What If I Don't Complete The Survey In Time?

Completing the survey after due date for surveys has lapsed  (and after I have placed orders for the items)  I can no longer guarantee which rewards will be available. So to ensure you get exactly what you want, I highly recommend completing your survey as soon as you get it. 

Why Do I Need To Pay Again?

This is to pay for postage at that point. All rewards are shipped with tracking so you'll receive your tracking information from Pirateship or whatever shipping platform I use. Additionally, you will be charged for any add-ons you have selected! :)

Can I still make Add-Ons?

Yes, during the survey, you will have the option to add more items.

What if Pin I backed doesn't get funded?

I will be having multiple areas where pins can be backed such as Etsy, on my personal store, and in person, just because one doesn't meet it's goal on Backerkit does not mean it hasn't reached it in other areas. Before I charge cards, I will make an update on which pins have or have not been backed. 

When will the campaign close?

My goal is to close the entire campaign May 1st. That means any unpaid pledges will no longer be able to be redeemed. As much as I would like to keep an indefinite hold on items, I am not a warehouse and am unable to do so. If there is any issues such as manufacturing delays, this date will be pushed back to compensate for that.

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