Wayward Enigma Designs
4 months ago

Project Update: Surveys Delayed and Gen 6 Relocked!

Hello Everyone,

Survey's Delayed:

I've had an eventful week, and due to situations outside of my control, I was unable to finish the final art pieces for the surveys. As such, the surveys are estimate to be sent out Friday November 22nd, and I will extend out the due date to accommodate this. I don't want to just rush art out to be done with it, but I have been working every single day to complete it. 

Showing Off Items Available In Survey:

Below, I'll be showing off the Kanto Final Evo Trio, which can be backed individually in an attempt to unlock them (Charizard has a shiny form), as well as show off the 3 sticker book covers I have completed. Gen 2's Burnt Tower, Gen 3's Mt.Chimney and Gen 4's Distortion World. I will be completing Sticker Book Designs even for Generations that did not get unlocked.

Gen 6 Relocked:

As you may see by the front page, it says we raised over $5,700 dollars, which would be Gen 6 unlocked and nearly Gen 7. However, due to pledges that did not get paid (Sometimes due to card errors, or other issues) the total number that will actually be paid out to me is over $1,000 dollars less than that. Which means, that unfortunately those are still locked. I do plan to relaunch the project at a later date to hopefully complete these generations. Items being relocked is an unfortunate risk involved when making a project. I run my projects as close to cost as I can, my projects are about making my art, not making excess profit from my campaigns. I apologize to anyone who was excited for these generations.

Thank you all,
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