Violet Magician
6 days ago

Project Update: Working on pre order shop and surveys

Hello, and thank you for the great campaign! Giving an update now that everything has ended, I have the 25th for surveys on the timeline, but they will probably start going out sometime this week depending on how quickly all the payment processing goes through. A smoke test for a small percentage of backers will happen first before everyone gets their surveys.  I'll also be opening a preorder shop, which will allow people who missed the campaign to order pins and add ons.   You can choose new add-ons after filling out your survey, I can limit stock now so a couple of lower inventory designs will probably be up on there too.  And it's looking like I should be able to restock a couple of old designs so at least my sold out snawfus should be up as an add-on as well.  You'll be able to choose different add-ons up until the preorder shop closes, which should be about a month after surveys are sent out, at which point I'll lock everyone's survey answers and order the pins.




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