V2S Games
7 months ago

Project Update: 👑Thank you! Happy Birthday, Your Majesty! Accepting Late Pledges!

Dear Backer,

I hope your week is going well! 

Thank You Again for Making This Campaign a Success🎉

Your support is inspiring and I'm so excited to get these quality boxed sets into your hands as soon as possible!  Already things are moving forward for The King's Poisoner

Accepting Late Pledges Until June 30!🙋

Great news! I've been working hard behind the scenes with BackerKit to setup the Pledge Manager so that anyone who missed the campaign can still pledge until June 30. The King's Poisoner is the first crowdfunding campaign for V2S Games so reach is limited and many people didn't discover it until close to the end, or are just finding it now. Enabling late pledges not only gives those people a chance to participate, it can even help us achieve additional stretch goals!

You can read more about late pledges and how they benefit everyone in this article, which also applies to BackerKit. You can find the late pledge (beta) store using the 'Pledge Now!' button on the The King's Poisoner campaign page or at this link.

Payment Processing

You should have received an email from BackerKit confirming that your pledge has been collected. If so, you're all set!

If BackerKit hasn't been able to process your pledge, don't panic. You still have time to try to work things out. If your payment fails/declines, you should be notified by email and can re-enter your card, then BackerKit will attempt a charge. Separately, BackerKit will try to collect the pledges again on June 10th (Day 7) & 17th (Day 14).

Only Backers with confirmed accounts will be charged after the campaign. If you haven't confirmed your account, please do so asap to be included in the retry charge groups. You can find help here at How do I confirm my BackerKit account? if you're not sure how to proceed.

If you still have issues with payment processing, you can find out more here as to Why was my credit card declined? Please contact the BackerKit Support team and they’ll help you finalize your payment.

If all else fails, your pledge will be imported into the pledge manager with $0 credit, and BackerKit can attempt to collect the funds there so you can still back the project.

Backer Surveys

The Backer Surveys are almost complete and I'm working with BackerKit to finalize the date to send them out. Though I'd like to send them the week of June 18th, with late pledges being accepted until June 30 and shipping planned for early 2025, it may make more sense to send them closer to fulfillment. Please keep an eye out for the next update (in a week) for more info.

Happy King's Birthday Weekend🎺🎊

I hope you have a great weekend and happy King's Birthday holiday!

Many thanks and best regards,

V2S Games 





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