V2S Games
8 months ago

Project Update: 👑Backer Survey Date Confirmed! Final Re-Charge 💳 More Late Pledges!

Dear Backer,

I hope you had a great week!

Backer Surveys & Pledge Manager

It's confirmed—I'll be launching the Pledge Manager and begin sending Backer Surveys next week! Roughly 5% of backers will receive an email inviting them to visit the pledge manager on or before June 23rd as part of the initial 'Smoke Test'. If all goes well, the rest of the invites will follow within a few days.

If you haven't used BackerKit before, don't worry. The process is very straightforward and I'll send another update immediately prior to the Smoke Test with additional information to help guide you through.

You will use the pledge manager to:
  • Confirm or upgrade your pledge,
  • Answer a few questions associated with it,
  • Provide your shipping address for physical rewards, and
  • Select and pay for any additional add-ons.

Shipping & taxes will be not be charged until closer to fulfillment.

You will have a few weeks to complete the survey and lock in your pledge, and you'll have advanced warning of the deadline in a future update. However, it would be very helpful if you complete this process as soon as possible. You'll also have an opportunity to update your address should you need to change it closer to shipping.

Payment Processing

Most backers have been charged but there are still a handful of payments that haven't been processed.

If BackerKit still hasn't been able to process your pledge, please make sure you confirm your account & update your credit card details today if you haven't already. BackerKit will try to collect the remaining pledges tomorrow one last time, before transferring any unpaid pledges to the Pledge Manager with $0 credit.

If you are still running into trouble, please be sure to contact the BackerKit Support team and they’ll help you finalize your payment. 

Accepting Late Pledges Until June 30!

Some more good news, pledges are still coming in! Any backers who pledge after the surveys have been sent will receive their survey immediately. Payment for late pledges will be handled by the Pledge Manager, so this should work well! Please don't hesitate to share the link with your friends and socials while late pledges are still open.

Next Update🎺

The next update will follow shortly with all the details you'll need to complete your survey. I look forward to sharing more news & info with you then!

Many thanks and best regards,

V2S Games 





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