We're entering the FINAL DAYS of this dark campaign. What a great journey it was! Now it's time for a glorious finale: as our time comes to an end, our Dream is getting closer.
You managed to unlock the LOST GRIMORIUM, a collection of magical items and rituals that will enrich the pages of the Ex Velum. Well done
Now it's time for our final Stretch Goals, just a handful of extremely special additions to Memento Mori.
I. the Blade Breaker. The last and most powerful of the Blades of Ruin.
II. New Gifts added to the Corebook
III. A Gold Edging added to ALL THE BOOKS
ULGURAT - The Bladebreaker
In addition to the first five, a sixth blade was forged, one that could annihilate the five, as a means to cover up the tracks of the conspiracy once it was over. This broken yet imposing broadsword can shatter any weapon, including the other Blades of Ruin.
After the last Blade of Ruin, we'll try to unlock a collection of new GIFTS. This is something that was asked for a lot during the campaign, so we decided to add it last minute. We hope you'll appreciate it!
This is also a great opportunity to showcase the work of talented Fabio Porfidia, another of the amazing artist that is giving his contribution to memento Mori.
Art by Fabio Porfidia
Last but not least, TOMORROW we'll be LIVE for a really update about old and new Stretch Goals. This will be our last stream... before the ENDING PARTY on February 8!