Two Little Mice
9 months ago

Project Update: Locking Orders + A NEW Adventure!

Wake up, Drifters

just a quick update to let you know that we are LOCKING ORDERS today, and this means that you will have just 48 hours to eventually add any add-ons to your pledge.
So if you haven't already answered to your survey, make sure to it as soon as possible!

Missed your Pledge Manager survey? You can request a new link here:

You will be also happy to know that everything is going according to plans, and as today we do not expect any significant delay in the fulfillment of this campaign.

As today we delivered:
-Memento Mori PDF
-Codex Gigas PDF
-Ex Velum PDF
-Tarot Cards PD

We still have to deliver:
-Digital Soundtrack -> September
-Physical Rewards -> September 

But before we leave...

Are you ready for a NEW Adventure?

Our Cinematic RPG Outgunned ADVENTURE is currently on Backerkit crowdfunding, and it's already our most successfull campaign to date with over € 315.000.

Please remember that if you backed any of our previous project, including Memento Mori, and you back Outgunned Adventure at ANY physical level, you will receive a FREE Metal Coin!

We'll be happy to have you on board once again!

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