Two Little Mice
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Don't Be Afraid.

Wake up, Drifters

During the night we unlocked an ALCHEMY VTT MODULE for Memento Mori. This incredible VTT support will be FREE for all Backers who backed this project at any level.
We are thankful to all of you for supporting us this much, and to the wonderful Alchemy team for joining forces with us one more time!

Fear not, mortals! Our next 3 Stretch Goals are on their way, and they are coming directly from the Heavens!



Be afraid of the divine chimaera. It is covered in jewels and rosaries, but it eludes all laws of nature that rule over living creatures. Be afraid!

The Tetramorphous by Francesco Biagini

Some of you may recognize that this Tetramorphous is NOT an original design. In fact, it comes directly from APOCALISSE: John's guide to the Armageddon, a 5E supplement imagined and written by 2LM, Memento Mori author Marco B. Bucci, and Acheron Games.

Our dear friends at Acheron were so kind to lend us this most beloved (and feared) four-headed angel, and we are thankful for that! If you are interested in a new Armageddon-inspired Campaign book and Bestiary for 5E, make sure to check Apocalisse on their website

We also have the results from our poll on the Blade of Ruins. And the winner is...


It is well-known that beyond the Veil no-one is more feared than the Princes of the Pentarchy. Long time ago there was a conspiracy, orchestrated against them by other Princes and Princesses who coveted their absolute domain.
Their ambition and thirst for revenge pushed the cospirators to create unique and exceptionally powerful blades. Each blade contains the Forged Spirit of an ancient enemy of the Pentarchy, and their only goal is to annihilate the five Princes.
This nefarious machination was ultimately uncovered, and the conspirators wiped out. However, the blades eluded all attempts to be retrieved. The shadow of ruin still looms over this world, leaving a trail of death in its wake, as the blades are still seeking their vengeance and biding their time, waiting for the right time to strike.

DRONOVIM - Blade of Palpitation: Imprisoned in this ancient sword there is the spirit of a Prince of Flesh. This blade was crafted with pulsing living metal, and is horribly perfused by pitch black veins. Anyone wielding this blade rolls one additional black die while attacking. They also suffer 1 Blood Corruption whenever they deal damage to a target.

Each of the Stretch Goals revealed will take us one step closer to our fourth Achievement: The Lost Grimorium

Keep following your Dream, Drifters
Once we reach 1750%, we will ad a collection of rituals and artifacts to the Ex Velum
Goal: €175,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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