Alan Gerding
8 months ago

Project Update: Phone App Stretch Goal revealed (not reached).

The votes are in! 277 of you voted and 65% requested a Host Helper phone app for Werewolf in the Dark. We aren't traditionally in the app business, but took our first plunge with our Mothership Companion App for our Mothership sci-fi roleplaying game. Making an app definitely isn't free, so after talking with our app developers, we came up with a target for the Werewolf in the Dark Host Helper app stretch goal. The next stretch goal is...


If we can reach that amount by the end of the campaign, we are confident we can afford and justify getting you all a host helper phone app to assist you in running your Werewolf in the Dark games. The app would include the following features:

  • Running Night phases of the game
    • Keeping track of time (8 minutes)
    • Playing spooky thematic sounds
  • Running Day phases for you
    • Keeping track of time (1 minute)
    • Telling players when to vote.
  • Running the Know phase of the game
    • Telling players to close their eyes
    • Telling which specific players should open their eyes
  • Running the end of the game and announcing winners.

It may seem like a lofty stretch goal, but it is possible. If you have questions, please ask! We are excited to bring this game to you.
274 votes • Final results
Reach this goal and you'll be able to download an app to your phone to help you host the game!
Goal: $126,465 / $166,000
We need $39,535 more to reach this goal.




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