Afternoon Backers,
We've got a nice update today for you with lots of model pics, pledge manager talk and a Goblin Bonus!
Pre-Order is Live!
If you haven't jumped on board,...
Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago
THANK YOU!!! Let's build some monsters!
Thank You Backers!
It's so exciting to see so many of you helping us build these amazing models based on the lore and art from MCDM. We unl...
Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago
6 Hours To Go & a Video Too!
Hello Backers!
Less than 6 hours remaining. Just a short skip and a jump from $100,000 and I think we may see...
Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago
$90,000 and FREE Grilps!!!!
Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago
Less than 24 Hours To Go!!!!
Nothin' to do, nowhere to go, oh...
Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago
48 Hours Remaining!
Hello Backers!
We are into the last 48 hours. So far, every physical pledge is getting an Adventuring Pinna and 3 Kobold Legiona...
We've got a nice update today for you with lots of model pics, pledge manager talk and a Goblin Bonus!
Pre-Order is Live!
If you haven't jumped on board, head over and check it out. There is alot of great project content to reserve. You can find the pre-order HERE.
Queen Bargnot added to Goblin Box Too!
While reviewing the box contents on the project, I kept fretting over the missing boss. It bugged me that we didn't have Queen B as part of that box. The original intent of adding the Goblin Box to this project was to let new backers get in on the goblins at a price point between the original BK project value and the full retail value. Solution to my angst... just add Queen Bargnot to the kit! Problem solved! That means that the Goblin Box and The Worx - Hobgoblins, Kobolds & Goblins Too! Pledge Levels now have our magnificent queen added in. We added her into The Worx - Digital Box too.
Queen Bargnot added to Goblin Boxes and Digital Boxes
Pledge Manager Sent
The Pledge Manager is currently in 'Smoke Test' mode where we make sure it works properly. Everyone else should see that tomorrow morning. This time around we added the additional items for purchase...
Marrowgnaw the Warspider - She's a beast. Yes, we will have the instructions!
Court of Decay - Bundle of 6 undead monsters from previous projects for $60!
Court of Blood - Bundle of 6 demons from previous projects for $60! These might work well for a certain crusade in the trenches project that needs some kitbashing.
Devil Bundle - Bundle of 4 devils from previous projects for $35. Another great kit for that trench game.
Beastheart Bundle - Bundle of 5 Beastheart minis.
Feathers the Owlbear
Queen Bargnot and Wine'y - She is in the Goblin box now, but just in case you need her.
Digital MCDM Collection - MCDM models from past kickstarter projects.
FOrx Paladins - our Trenchworx brand of multipart orcs.
If you want some of these items RIGHT NOW you can buy them straight from and we will ship upon our return from Christmas vacation. Otherwise, you will need to wait until we ship this project in April.
We've been making steady progress with models in the first few weeks...
The Wilderkith and Pinna are submitted for manufacturing.
The Dragonlin is almost done and schedule to start manufacturing the first week of January.
The Slaughter Demon & Mixlax are in the blockout phase and will start manufacturing mid-January.
When we return in January we will have a bunch of Hobgoblins and Kobolds to show too!
There were some great videos recently from our friends at Goobertown Hobbies and EbayMiniatureRescues of our processes and products. Its definitely worth your time! You can check them out here...
That wraps up today's update and likely the last for the year. We share models as they show up on our doorstep on our Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky and Twitter accounts. You can find us at the following links...
I selected the Wilderkith Villain Party add-on during the campaign but would like the villain bundle to round out the set. Is my only option to add-on the other two villain parties?
Thank you!
It's so exciting to see so many of you helping us build these amazing models based on the lore and art from MCDM. We unlocked a lot of goodies for the box pledges too! The unlocks include...
Adventuring Pinna - a metal mini of our favorite hedge mage
3 Kobold Legionaires - 3 different poses of Kobold Legionaires
3 Grilps - 3 different poses of Grilps
3 Hobgoblin Warriors - 3 different poses of Hobgoblins
Other stuff - yeah, we have a few surprises still up our sleeves that you will love!
Not to mention, we have 3 villain parties available. They include the Wilderkith, The Iron Pact and The Soulbinders. This was an exciting development during the crowd funder. We weren't sure how they be received, but we get to make over 450 of these nare-do-wells for your game tables.
Pre-Order Links...
We should have the Pre-Order links up in the next day or so. This is for those who missed the crowd funding event. The price is higher than the crowd funding prices. We learned a few things about the backerkit nuances from our Jagged Edge Project and want to make sure our project backers get the best deal on product.
Pledge Manager...
We should have the pledge manager out about mid-December. We've got a few questions to ask and need to make sure our weights are correct and shipping is accurate. We are looking to close the pledge manager at the end of January, so you have a bit of time.
Digital Models...
We've already got models going through the digital design process and will have them throughout December winding up in early January. As we approve the models, we will share the images with all of you.
The model designers are all locked in and working on the designs. Our designers and their model assignments...
Wilderkith and Iron Pact - Forrest of Knuckleduster Miniatures. Forrest has made over 200 gunfighters for wild west and a nice selection of fantasy models in that group too!
Sheildscale Dragolin and Soulbinders - Nate Brooks. Nate's designed our Trenchworx Orx and many of our models. He's also done a lot of Privateer Press models among others.
Adventuring Pinna and Mixlax the Devil Notary - Patrick of Bombshell Miniatures. Patrick has made a lot of models for our game tables and you may already have a few and don't even realize it!
I've added the links to their website where possible. Check them out and some of the models they already produce.
We will be starting production during the first week of December. We already have a few models in the que.
Digital Fulfilment...
We expect to send out all the digital models in early February.
Physical Fulfilment...
We have May listed in the crowdfunder, but I think we will be much earlier than that. As we get the models, we will keep you posted. We have a lot of MCDM models we want to build this year, so we are motivated to get these shipped so we can kick off your next batch of baddies!
That's a wrap for now. We hope all of you have a great Turkey Day and get some gaming in with your friends and families. If you have any questions at all, please reach out and let us know here in the community section or directly to [email protected]. Thanks so much to all of you and let's build some monsters!
Less than 6 hours remaining. Just a short skip and a jump from $100,000 and I think we may see those fellas join our army yet!
FREE Hobgoblin Reinforcements!
And our friends Brent and Casey visited us in September while we were building Jagged Edge Hideaway among other things. They made this amazing video about how we make stuff. If you are curious how we will build all the awesome models in this project you should have a look! Check it out HERE!