Trenchworx will create tabletop miniatures based on the MCDM Productions Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Goblins found in Flee Mortals! as well as the upcoming Draw Steel RPG.
The brilliant tactician Varrox traces his lineage to the first goblin who made an infernal bargain to become a hobgoblin. Varrox’s mother, the great bloodlord Fanoxa, raised him right alongside her army. The only home Varrox has ever known was a war camp, and his upbringing was conquest and bloodshed.
Kobold Legion
Kobold communities, called legions, are found in every biome and across the timescape. Gravitating toward powerful allies and defensible locations, kobolds are equally common in walled cities, secluded temples, subterranean tunnel-mazes, and dragon lairs. Most legions strive to be good neighbors or to go entirely unnoticed, but when a community falls under the sway of a malevolent wyrm or power-hungry centurion, they pose a significant threat.
...And Goblins Too!!
This is a great selection of Jagged Edge Hideaway Goblins that you can use to flesh out your dungeon setting. The full model set is available at Trenchworx. This level is a great choice for those who missed our original project creating these little fellas or backers who just want more.
If funded, Trenchworx will create box sets of physical and digital miniatures based on the MCDM Productions' Hobgoblins, Kobolds, and Goblins found in Flee Mortals! as well as the upcomingDraw Steel RPG.
If we reach all our stretch goals, we will also be creating Pinna, the hedge mage from Strongholds & Followers and The Wilderkith, from Flee, Mortals!
The Worx - Hobgoblins, Kobolds & Goblins too! This set includes the Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box, the Kobolds Legion Box and Goblins Too!! Box. This set also includes all Digital Files for the models created in this project including the Goblins available in this project.
Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box and Kobolds Legion Box This set includes the Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box and the Kobolds Legion Box. This set also includes all Digital Files for the models created in this project.
Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box This set includes a large selection of Hobgoblins, monsters, a devil and the Slaughter Demon to thwart invading adventurers.
Kobold Legion Box This set includes a large selection of Kobolds and the Shieldscale Drangolin to put pesky adventurers in their place.
Goblins Too!! Box This box set includes a selection of Goblins and monsters to enhance your dungeon experience.
The Worx - Digital Edition The Digital Box includes all digital .STL files created in this project. This will include Pinna, The Wilderkith and the goblins in the Goblin Box.
Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box and Kobold Legion Box
Goblin Box and The Worx Digital Edition
The Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box includes 20 Hobgoblins, a Devil, 6 Grilps and a huge 5” tall Slaughter Demon to thwart invading adventurers. The Kobolds Legion Box includes 19 Kobolds and a large Dragonlin plus the Artifex trap set. The Goblins Box contains a nice selection of 19 goblins and 2 skitterling bases to populate your dungeon. This pledge level also includes all Digital Files for the models created in this project. This reward level contains:
Note - Due to the large quantities of hobgoblins required for some encounters in Camp Firefield, you will have to recycle some models or have a model serve 'double duty' during an encounter.
Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box and Kobolds Legion Box
Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box and Kobold Legion Box
The Worx Digital Edition
The Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box includes 20 Hobgoblins, a Devil, 6 Grilps and a huge 5” tall Slaughter Demon to thwart invading adventurers. The Kobolds Legion Box includes 19 Kobolds and a large Dragonlin plus the Artifex trap set. This pledge level also includes all Digital Files for the models created in this project. This reward level contains:
Note - Due to the large quantities of hobgoblins required for some encounters in Camp Firefield, you will have to recycle some models or have a model serve 'double duty' during an encounter.
Kobold Artifex
The Camp Firefield Hobgoblin Box includes 20 Hobgoblins, a Devil, 6 Grilps and a huge 5” tall Slaughter Demon to thwart invading adventurers. This reward level contains...
Note - Due to the large quantities of hobgoblins required for some encounters in Camp Firefield, you will have to recycle some models or have a model serve 'double duty' during an encounter.
*No Digital Files are included in this level.
Hobgoblin Warmage
The Worx Digital Edition include all Hobgoblin, Kobold and Goblin models created in this project. It will also include all stretch goal models including the Wilderkith and Pinna.
Adventuring Pinna as a durable finely cast metal miniature. Pinna will be FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
The quest for immortality takes many forms and is itself timeless. Some end as cautionary tales. The Soulbinders take the lesson a step further. Their eternal souls are each bound into a cursed item that feeds off the life force of its wielder.
The Soulbinders villain party consist of...
-Argan Rael with the bracers of the spellbreaker -Kishina Darrowind with pathfinders boots -Prince Ellan Farra with the crown of majesty -Radlee "The Grim" Thugram with the visionary's cloak -Scarlet Shadow with the ring of scarlet shadows
Each Soulbinder wears a magic item that houses their eternal soul.
This set features 5 finely cast resin and metal miniatures on a 1" base. This Villain Party can be found in FLEE MORTALS! by MCDM.
Black Iron Pact
Racist zealots who wrongly believe in the superiority of humans, the Black Iron Pact conspires in secret to overthrow the multicultural traditions of Capital—proclaimed by its cosmopolitan populace as “the greatest city of this or any age.” In their place, the pact plans to institute a harsh theocracy ruled by Ajax the Invincible, the Iron Saint.
The Black Iron Pact villain party consist of...
Lord Erasmus Deseo
Canon Athenodorus
Lady Avalla Deseo
Qar, Master of Jackals
This set features 5 finely cast resin and metal miniatures on a 1" base. This Villain Party can be found in FLEE MORTALS! by MCDM.
Black Iron Pact Villain Party Add-On
Wilderkith Villain Party
Some see nature as all-encompassing chaos. Others believe it a precious balance. And some believe nature walks among us with a bloody vision—a future free of human civilization. This incarnation is Anthracia, a dryad bent on revenge. She leads a force of nature’s bloody avengers that she calls the Wilderkith.
The Wilderkith villain party consist of...
Anthracia, Princess of Venom
Logger, a one-of-a-kind plant creature
Sylphise, a forest nymph
Tuval-Uthriar, a former Paladin
Vali, an elven scout and assassin
This set features 5 finely cast miniatures. Four models are on a 1" base and Logger is on a 2" base. This Villain Party can be found in FLEE MORTALS! by MCDM.
Wilderkith Villain Party Add-On
Kobold Legionaries
Three Kobold Legionaries FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
FREE Legionaries!!!
Three Grilps FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
FREE Grilps!!!
Hobgoblin Troopers
Three Hobgoblin Troopers FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
Worg Companion
Worg Companion FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
Worg Companion
A resin miniature FREE with every physical pledge. Pledge Manager Access ($1 level) not included.
Lord Varrox Model and Concept Art (model subject to alterations for more awesomeness)
Blood Lord Varrox will be a resin cast miniature boss on a 40mm base. The model will be mostly constructed of resin with 3D prints for fiddley bits and items requiring negative space and significant undercuts. The digital model shown here is 95% complete and requires minor posing adjustments. Lord Varrox will be in every Hobgoblin Box.
The physical models will be made of Trenchworx Premium Resin, Siocast Plastic and 3D print for smaller fiddley bits. We intend to use our full compliment of manufacturing techniques to make this set of minis as awesome as possible.
Trenchworx Premium Resin is hand cast in soft silicone molds for the highest level of detail. This has been our medium for nearly all MCDM models to date.
SioCast Plastic is an injection molded plastic that is great for making the high quantities needed for some of the models like the Hobgoblin Warriors and Kobold Legionaires.
3D Printing using our own Trenchworx Resin Blend is ideal for very thin details like bow strings, knives and the Grilps.
Finally, when we reach the stretch goal for Adventuring Pinna, we intend to cast her in pewter. She is special and deserves the durability and heft of a finely cast pewter mini.
We believe this is a nice selection of models in different materials and that this combination will make a fine collectors set of goodies for miniature enthusiasts.
Hobgoblin Warrior
Jagged Edge Hideaway The Jagged Edge Hideaway project was our first Backerkit project for MCDM content. We successfully funded this project in April and completed shipping this October. Below are some examples of the models and many are found the the Worx or Goblin Box Pledge levels.
Making stuff is hard and we are particular about our products. We've been doing this for 10+ years and believe our timeline estimates are good and have sufficient padding.
Physical Rewards
Making 'real' things can be tricky and we've got a lot of experience doing it. We will be producing all of the models at our shop in Utah (Made in the USA!). We have multiple manufacturing streams including resin, metal, production 3D printing and plastic.
We will be packing each order and shipping to the US and Canada from Utah. We will be shipping all UK and EU orders from Utah as well. Finally, for our friends in Australia and New Zealand, we will pack each order in Utah and ship a bulk pallet to our partners in Sydney for final shipment to you.
Physical Rewards will be shipped beginning in May 2025. Or sooner, if possible! Shipping will be collected at the close of the pledge manager in February.
Digital Rewards
We've arranged for digital artists to sculpt our models and we will have control of all supporting and testing at our facility in Utah. We will hold all files until they are ready and deliver in one fell swoop. We expect these to be delivered in February, 2025.
We don’t know how much shipping the physical goods will cost, but we know it can be expensive, because shipping is expensive now. We can, and do, shop around to ‘game the system’ to get the lowest prices, but shipping, especially international shipping, shot way up during 2020-2022 and while it has settled down a little it is still expensive.
Shipping charges will be applied at the close of the pledge manager in January. Yes, we do collect taxes where we are required to by law.
We are unable to ship physical rewards outside of the following countries:
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
European Union - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Reminder: Shipping charges will be collected at close of pledge manager in January. They are not included in the current pledge amounts.
Trenchworx is a miniature manufacturer located in Sandy, Utah, USA. We've been building minis for more than 10 years. We design, build, and ship more than 100,000 minis a year and we've mastered, manufactured or distributed for over 60 Kickstarter and Backerkit projects too.
Since 2018, we've worked with MCDM making the miniatures from their successful crowdfunding projects. Together we've created and made more than 30 unique minis, from the gemstone dragons in the Strongholds & Streaming campaign to Ajax in the recent campaign for The MCDM RPG.
This campaign could become the start of a range of thematic box sets we produce based on MCDM's amazing ideas. MCDM's Flee, Mortals! has over 300 monsters, all with fully realized design and gameplay. 300 monsters. Wouldn't it be cool if we could started making sets of miniatures based on those 300 monsters and then you could play with those at your table?
Way back when the free preview packet for Flee, Mortals! came out in 2022, we thought it could be a lot of fun to design and make a boxes of minis. Now here we are, making exactly that.