Thundergryph Games
about 2 years ago

Project Update: More than 10’000 games backed. Thank you!

Hello everyone,

We hope this message finds you well! 
We really appreciate your support and we sincerely thank you for your trust in this new collection.

The campaign is over, but the work just started. We will focus on closing down the different rules for the games and the backer freebies and we will be updating you on it. You can expect a monthly update from us with more information on how we are proceeding.

We will be launching the Thundergryph Bazaar (pledge manager) in around 5 to 6 weeks.
In the Bazaar, you will be able to pay for shipping and add anything else you may want from the Soda Pop add-ons or past deluxe editions.

We don’t want to say goodbye without breaking our tradition of the last campaign gift for you!

Illustrated by our dear Paolo Voto, we are unlocking a new coaster for your Fridge Bundle in all our Thundergryph style! We hope you’ll like it.

Thank you again from our team for your kind support!

Until next time, have fun!

Sincerely yours,
Everyone here at Thundergryph Games






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