Thundergryph Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Soda Pop Bulletin: Photos of additional items

Hello everyone,

We hope you are doing great! This message is to update you about our Soda Pop collection!
We had the pleasure of shaking a few of your hands at Spiel 2023 and some of you even managed to see the pre-production copies of the Soda Pop cans!

In this update, we bring a few photos for you to see while the production is ongoing. Hopefully, we will have the games next month and we will start the freight process.

We received the photos of the fridge and the packing (we will receive the physical box soon). We are very happy with the result. This will be a very limited and memorable piece of our history.

We also have the final look of our stretch goals unlocked. The coasters are just perfect!

A few add-ons also showed up. Many of you got them and we hope you are pleased with them (golden caps are not in these photos as we had a revision to make)!

Finally, Get Salty was a game we gave for free to all our returning backers, but that was also available as an Add-on! Here is how it looks!

Thank you so much for your kind patience and support towards this project. You will be proud of what you’ll be receiving.

Wishing you all the best,
Thundergryph Games Team






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