Therena Carlin
16 days ago

Project Update: Fully funded, but the fun is only about to get started!

Greetings Star Seekers,

Welcome and thank you for the overwhelming support so far! This project has been 2 years in the making (4 if you count when I wrote the first draft for Evie's story!)
It's been a labour of love, a wild dream I pursued with reckless abandon even when I had no proof I could write, let alone illustrate, a full novel.

You see, Star Found was supposed to be a "short story", something I could finish quickly and say I did it. (All my journals of stories I've written up till then were several volumes big already  and too intimidating) Well, after I transcribed the journals for Star Found, it became abundantly clear that my vision for a short story was nothing but a wishful thinking as short stories don't end with 300,000 word counts ...

Nevertheless, it simply meant bigger, better books. For at the same time I wrote Star Found, I started taking illustration more seriously as well. Though no journey is straightforward, and being an artist comes with a heavy dose of imposter syndrome. But those first backers ignited the fire under my dream. They gave me the confidence I needed to fuel my creativity. And as such, Star Found ended with 14 illustrations! And my confidence to create my own cover art!

And so the standard was set for beautiful art filled books. Now, I doubt that I will have that many illustrations for Star Awakened, my art has since become more complex and detailed. But I have every intention of adding at least half of that to the second book in the series! Not to mention all the new additions of illustrated end papers, etc.

I would like to invite you along as I create it over the next two months! 

Over the course of the campaign, you will have the opportunity to vote the order I draw in. If all goes well, I might even do a live drawing. (Though this has challenged my poor computer GPU in the past. But I'll still try 😅) I'll be stopping by with almost daily updates with polls, WIP art, and more. For the next few weeks I'll be fully immersed in the world of the Tri-Realms. Specifically creating art for your beautiful books!

Let's talk about books, art, fantasy & more. 

As another way to reward you guys, I'll be sharing a question each update. When you participate and comment, or even voting on the polls, you will have a special treat added to your pledge after the campaign! (An exclusive holographic sticker!)

So to get things started, tell me your favourite romantasy series / author in the comments and let's gush together about this amazing genre!

How to choose just one ... Would it be cheating if I picked 3 or more?

My first love for dark romantasy started with Sara Douglass' Wayfarer Redemption series. As did my dream to become a fantasy cover artist! (Inspired by Lois Royo, who did her covers) In fact, I recently reread her series, and can see her influence on my own writing decades after the first time I read it! These books wrecked me. Especially book 4-6! Her character development is phenomenal, being able to take a character I reviled, to one I not only sympathized with, but became my favourite of all time!

Another author I discovered only recently is S.J. Maas. Specifically her Throne of Glass series. Long have I lusted over her hardcover books in the bookstore with those character covers. (Though I could never afford them) But it wasn't until after I wrote Star Found and had to research the genre more, that I bought the eBooks and read it. And not surprising, I loved it. 🤫Though I hated Celeana in the first book. But it's a gift to take a main character from annoying to loving and caring about them. And Sarah did this incredibly well.

With both these series', the authors masterfully wielded not only plot twists, but character growth. And they have both inspired me to do the same. I love writing flawed characters that are not only relatable, but which you will grow to love. They face not only the dangers of the fantasy world around them, but also have to overcome their own internal demons. Depression, fear of failure, low self esteem, loneliness, betrayal, and not belonging are just a few of their challenges they face. It's my hope that you will come to love these characters as much as I do. And enjoy their journey as they grow and become the best versions of themselves.

I leave you with an illustration from Star Found, featuring Cain & Evie. 

Until tomorrow!

I look forward to hearing about your favourite books! And don't forget to vote in the poll! You can also unlock more rewards by clicking on any of the achievements linked below!

Yours in art,

PS: If you haven't backed yet, you can still claim one of the early bird tiers! And early bird rewards!
The first 60 backers will get an oracle postcard, and everyone in the first 48 hours will get an exclusive early bird sticker!

And don't forget to check out my partner's campaign to claim your 2 FREE pins when you back both of us! (*physical tiers only)

14 votes • Final results
Join the tribe, unlock a FREE holographic sticker when we hit 100 backers
Goal: 78 / 100 backers
We need 22 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit the goal, everyone gets a FREE Sticker
Goal: 6 / 50
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit the goal, the first interior illustration will be revealed! Like opening a box of wrapped gifts, it's an adventure and you are invited!
Goal: $5,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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