TDV Fanzine
9 months ago

Project Update: Production Update #2 + Sneak Peeks!

Hello everyone!

We hope everyone is having a good start to Pride month 🌈 

As promised, we come with some more production and shipping news. Since our last update, we have received a bunch of merch and shared some sneak peeks on our social media and Discord. Look at the goodies!

We are still waiting on the main zine and some merch. We are hoping to receive this in the next 2 or 3 weeks so we can actually get to shipping this month. The exact timing is a bit out of our hands as it depends on our manufacturers not delaying shipping again but we are hopeful! 🤞

With that in mind, we are setting up June 10th as our deadline to make any changes to your address. This is for everyone that has moved or has plans to before the end of the month. A reminder to lock addresses will go out 48 hours before the deadline. If your address remains the same, you do not have anything to worry about. 

That is it from us. We are hoping our next update will come with some more concrete shipping news. Thank you as always for your patience and support.

The TDV Fanzine Mod Team




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