TDV Fanzine
7 days ago

Project Update: Dear backers - our final curtain call (and receipts ;) )

Thank you for your patience as we wrapped up the last of the last shipments from our leftover store  about two weeks ago - and (after some technical difficulties with one donation site you might have seen us reference on social media - which caused a slight delay) we are thrilled to share with you the donation receipts!  Please see the attached images below confirming the amounts for each charity via this quick share link (for some reason it only wants us to share one image at a time - and they're huge haha) . . .

And then we hope there’s some smiles and pats on your backs because this was only possible thanks to all of you!  Each contributor, each creative, each social media campaign, each share, each word of mouth mattered and it all led to this ~ thank you for bringing us to this moment, we are so deeply grateful for it <3

For those who were contributors as well as bakers, please see the extended email coming from us momentarily with additional information and a feedback form link :)

And for those who enjoyed this project . . . we will be returning next year with an interest check for volume two launching in the new year (including asking for what sorts of goodies you'd love to see).  Until then - 

Thank you for the journey loves,
- The Mod Team (Ezra, Abby, Esin, Bratlupa, Ara and Katharina)





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