Magnanimous Moonrise and Savage Sunset

Magnanimous Moonrise and Savage Sunset

This story, told in dueling perspectives, follows two vampire hunters and the vampire who becomes intertwined with them. Expect mature content, angst, and . . . ducky pajamas?
$805 🎉
of $100
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In this unique dueling story structure, the same events are described from two different perspectives.  

Savage Sunset:
Alexis and Ariana are partners and vampire hunters, trying to protect as many people as they can from the horrors of a world where vampires see humans as cattle, fair game for being snatched up and taken home as food. 

Magnanimous Moonrise:
Valen is a vampire on a mission…one which unfortunately puts him at odds with vampire hunters, who aren’t happy about such a creature being so deep within their territory. 

Vampires are horrific. But what if humans are horrific too?

This is a dark urban fantasy that contains mature content, including torture and sexual assault. A full list of content warnings by chapter can be found here

The special edition paperback will be an upside-down book (aka tête-bêche). So you’ll be able to read Savage Sunset, and then when you get to the end of that story, you’ll flip the book over and read Magnanimous Moonrise


Our initial funding goal is $100, but that's just the beginning! Once we hit our funding goal, we'll reveal our stretch goals. For each increment of $250, a new merch item will be added. Will it be digital? Physical? A live in-person vampire hunting class? (okay, not that last one) Stick around to find out!

Stretch Goal 1: Unlocked! All backers will receive a downloadable MM/SS digital wallpaper.
Stretch Goal 2: Unlocked! All physical backers will receive a MM/SS bookmark.
Stretch Goal 3: Secret merch!
Stretch Goal 4: More merch!


Our initial goal of $100 is enough to produce 5 copies of the special edition paperback. The percentages below give a rough estimate of how the money raised through this campaign will be allocated. 


This is our first campaign, so we're still learning how to do this crowdfunding thing! We apologize in advance if there are any hiccups along the way. 

The book is going through the final round of proofreading, and should be completely edited and formatted by the end of the campaign. 

The biggest risk is that the project fails to meet its funding goal. If this happens, MM/SS will still be published via all the major ebook platforms, but the special edition paperback will not be. A paperback will be published, but it'll have a barcode on the back (boo) due to factors beyond our control. 
The other major risk is production and shipping delays. We will be working with several vendors, and depending on their schedules production could take longer than anticipated. We will do our best to communicate any delays. As with any project involving shipping packages there is the small possibility of packages being delayed, damaged, falling into the ocean, etc. The postal system is a fickle beast.  

Shipping will be charged after the campaign ends to ensure that you get the best price possible. Tentatively, shipping within the USA will be $6-10 and shipping internationally will be $20-$30. 
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project
Magnanimous Moonrise and Savage Sunset

Magnanimous Moonrise and Savage Sunset

đź‘‹ This project contains mature content and may not be suitable for all audiences.

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