The Wanderer's Tome
6 months ago

Project Update: New stretch goal and retailer pledge!

Hello Wanderers!

Thank you all for the support so far!
We have made a couple of updates to our campaign. Firstly, we've listened to your suggestions for additional stretch goals and have added another to the list—we'll be adding premade city record sheets, including details and maps! This will be a PDF map pack so you can print and play. You can use this to skip the establishment phase to go straight into the chronicling phase! This will be there for when you don't feel up to drafting a map or if you want to get some inspiration for any future city creations.

We've also added a retail pledge! If you're a retailer, you can switch out your current pledge to this one. Not including a retail pledge was an oversight on our part and thank you so much to the retailers who've reached out to us asking for one!

Lastly, I wanted to highlight this Solo Session done by The Soloist using Deadline. You'll get a good feel for how the game is played through this play-by-play write-up. We absolutely loved the city and map they've created!

Till next time,
Fleur & Chelsea

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