I'm working hard on catching up on all of the artwork for the remaining unrevealed sets! I'll have a big update for you all very soon with the finalized work, but I promised to have at least a peak at what to expect!
Most anticipated, according to the current poll and by a surprisingly small margin, is the Wet Specimens set. The plan is for a set of only 3, but with a larger Diaphonized Ray. The other two are a little preserved octopus and mounted seahorse.
As for the other two unrevealed sets, I don't have a sketch worth showing off yet since they are designed much differently. They will be much like the first Library set though, spines with a screenprinted illustration. I did receive a great question regarding the series that these will cover, and that has yet to be decided! I will be giving priority to series that I personally enjoy, but I would like to give all of you the opportunity to add your voice to the choices. So after this current poll is over, I will put up another right away to start that voting process. If you have recommendations for series you'd like to see (modern fiction and/or manga) let me know in the comments!
Thanks again to everyone who's participated in the polls so far, it really does help me out! I'll go get back to it then, more coming very soon ;)