Hi again everyone, one more very quick update.
Someone brought it to my attention that I had forgot to add the simple add-on tiers!! I had it in drafts and not published, do...
Meg Kirkpatrick
30 days ago
The Final days - Big designs update!
Hi everyone! We're coming up on the last few days of the Pintopia campaigns and I have a big update for you all regarding the already unlocked designs, as well as another str...
Meg Kirkpatrick
about 1 month ago
Update: Wet Specimens Sneak Peak
I'm working hard on catching up on all of the artwork for the remaining unrevealed sets! I'll have a big update for you all very soon with the finalized work, but I promised ...
Meg Kirkpatrick
about 1 month ago
Update: New Poll
A poll just went up to help me with ideas for upcoming stretchgoals!
I'm already planning a few things out, but I want to make sure I'm giving priority to what all of you wo...
Meg Kirkpatrick
about 2 months ago
Project Update: Wall Specimen designs added!
I've added all of the Wall Specimen designs to the project! The set is 4 pins in total ranging in size from approximately 2" to 3/4". The pins will also come with an illustr...
Meg Kirkpatrick
about 2 months ago
Everything unlocked and one last day for the 48hr sale!!🎊
I was not prepared 😂😂
EVERYTHING has been unlocked, and in under 12 hours.
Thank you all so so much for your support of these pin sets, I really can’t tell you how much it ...
Someone brought it to my attention that I had forgot to add the simple add-on tiers!! I had it in drafts and not published, doh. The Add-On is up now, with the discounted price if you have an Early Bird tier locked in and the regular price if you have a regular tier locked in.
These Add-On's will be available after the campaign ends as well, but if you think you'd like one or more sets than you have already pledged for, be sure to get that in asap so maybe we can unlock the final design set!
Oh and one last mention, today is Alicia's birthday!!! (She's the creator of the amazing Cabinet Ultra Pin that I'm collaborating with) You should go wish her a happy birthday!!! ;D
Hi everyone! We're coming up on the last few days of the Pintopia campaigns and I have a big update for you all regarding the already unlocked designs, as well as another stretch goal.
What we have unlocked so far:
The Mini Library
Wall Specimens
Spanish Luna Moth Wall Specimen
Mini Museum Oceans Set
A quick note about the Wet Specimens set designs: All three of the Wet Specimens will have a semi-transparent resin topper for a "glass" effect. You'll also notice the colorization of the Ray is much different than the others! That one pin is going to have an anodized effect that will mimic the look of Diaphonized specimens. It turns out, I had NO idea how to create that color effect in my mock-ups!! So... I apologize if it's a bit off, but I did my best to show how the final product will eventually look.
Wet Specimens Set
And for the Mini Manga Library, I have a WIP for you all! I'll have the artwork for this one completed tonight, but I wanted to go ahead with the ugly rough wip to update you all asap! The colors are rough and all of the little book details still need to go in, but hopefully it will give you a good idea of how the final pins will turn out :) And lastly, a final stretch goal: Shelf plants set! If we are able to get to $18,000 I'll be able to add this set to the available designs. We're already well on the way to hitting the final goal!!
Shelf Plants set
I've also been working on designing the landing page for the QR Code Library book. The QR pin itself will lead straight to the living list page, but I'd also like to invite you all to take a look before release: https://thepaleopress.com/bannedbooks
Thank you all SO much for your continued support through this campaign, I appreciate you all so so much more than I can express. I have to apologize that I wasn't able to run more polls and designs and fun things through the running of this. I know you'll all understand that it has been an extraordinary few weeks of world events, and while I wasn't capable of doubling down on work, the support from you all has been an incredible boon when I really needed it most. So thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. You keep me going when times are toughest <3
(Posting this update to you all was my first priority; I'll be updating the campaign page to reflect all of the updates in the next few hours.)
I'm working hard on catching up on all of the artwork for the remaining unrevealed sets! I'll have a big update for you all very soon with the finalized work, but I promised to have at least a peak at what to expect!
Most anticipated, according to the current poll and by a surprisingly small margin, is the Wet Specimens set. The plan is for a set of only 3, but with a larger Diaphonized Ray. The other two are a little preserved octopus and mounted seahorse.
As for the other two unrevealed sets, I don't have a sketch worth showing off yet since they are designed much differently. They will be much like the first Library set though, spines with a screenprinted illustration. I did receive a great question regarding the series that these will cover, and that has yet to be decided! I will be giving priority to series that I personally enjoy, but I would like to give all of you the opportunity to add your voice to the choices. So after this current poll is over, I will put up another right away to start that voting process. If you have recommendations for series you'd like to see (modern fiction and/or manga) let me know in the comments!
Thanks again to everyone who's participated in the polls so far, it really does help me out! I'll go get back to it then, more coming very soon ;)