We're preparing the packages (signing CDs, etc) as we speak. These will all be going out in the next couple of days.
Due to a massive spike in costs, the liner notes on the physical albums is very simple. So, we'll be sending out (through BackerKit) a digital liner notes. Keep an eye out for both the CD and the PDF.
Tales of The Black Piper CAMPAIGN
In one of our recent updates, we put out a call for authors, and we've been getting a good response! The campaign launches in just over a week, and we're currently at 64% funded. So, be excited!
We'll be sending out a few messages this week preparing you for what's to come - highlighting rewards and other good things. So, keep an eye out for that.
And if you're an author and would like a link to the page early to get familiarized and get your pledge in, let me know!
All the best, Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper.