The Black Piper
about 2 years ago

Project Update: BLACK PRISM: CDs & TALES OF THE BLACK PIPER: Early Access

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all well! I have a few bits of exciting news for you!

The Black Prism - Digital Release

Before I jump into the CDs and Tales, I want to mention that The Black Prism | Lightbringer Album 1 has released today! If any of you feel so inclined, we'd love for you to go have a listen on your favorite platform to help the album gain visibility, and leave the album an honest review! That would be extremely appreciated!

The Black Prism - CDs

Great news! I just received word today that the CDs have been completed by the manufacturer and are now being shipped. We should have them next week, and we will get to work signing and shipping them out to you as soon as we get them!

So, keep an eye on your mailbox!

Tales of The Black Piper - Early Access for Writers

And for more exciting news: we have finished the campaign page for Tales of The Black Piper, and we are giving it some finishing touches. While we're planning on launching publicly in March, BackerKit is allowing us to open up early access to the campaign to writers. We want to make sure that you are able to check out the campaign and secure your position, and we also want to give you time to prepare your friends, family, fans, and acquaintances for the big day.

For those who are interested and/or planning to join as a writer - please send me a message, either via email or social media (Facebook messenger via The Black Piper, Discord DM, etc.), and I'll get you access!

Happy Lightbringer Day to you all!

Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper




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