Super Savage Systems
7 days ago

Project Update: The Khaos champion of Necrosloth, the Slicked One!

Richard Sampson (Artofnerdgore on insta) has completed the disgustingly amazing Khaos champion of Necrosloth!!! I am blown away bu how awesome this pure agent of Khaos turned out. So much in fact, that I want to share the page it will be on in Deities and Demi-Bros! Each of the Khaos gods will have champions, but none that look this cool!

25k is closing in fast and I can't wait to share what is in store for that Retch Goal!!! Share, like, and send this out to all your friends so we can unlock the Retch Goal and start towards 30k!!! Thank you for all the support! I am looking forward to these books coming to life and getting into your hands.

Once we hit 250 everyone gets a limited edition EXCLUSIVE sticker!
Goal: 233 / 250 backers
We need 17 more to reach this goal.
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