Super Savage Systems
4 months ago

Project Update: Sketches and pencils are coming in! 10 days left to back!

Lots of sketches and pencils coming in for approval before inks! I want to share a few with you and get the hype train going!

Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps monster lineup art by Łukasz Kowalczuk. The pencils are done and the inking has begun. Lukasz does one heck of a job and this is going to be on impressive piece when all done!

The massive spread will be broken down for each stat block portrait! Big plans for this big art!!!!

DEITIES AND DEMI-BROS have two pencils from Artofnerdgore (Richard Sampson) approved for the book!!!

The character class art for the Savage Sister of Elizabeth!!! WOW, just WOW! This is insane. This might end up being my new favorite class. So much cool stuff in store for them!!!

Richard is at it again with the portrait art for Slaughterous Maximus the Khaos God of Blood Shed and Rage!!!
Loving how this is turning out!!! Hunter is handling the other Khaos gods, but I wanted Richard to do the "Blood god." His OGhammer vibes are so on point they will poke your eye out!!  

All this and more are in these two crazy awesome books for Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland! If you have not backed, now is the time! Only a few days left!

Don't forget these covers will not be available outside of the campaign!!!!!

Praise Lord Randy!!!!

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