Studio 9 Games
12 months ago

Project Update: A final surprise! Cheddar and Surveys...

The votes are in...

You did it! Literally, you guys created an encounter. The 4 polls were set up to create a sort of "mad-lib" for a bonus encounter in the "101 Hex Encounters". And here is what we are working with:

  • An encounter with a very realistic humanoid android with a very bad temper (Roy Batty) and no love for humanoids. They are roaming the wastes of the Purple Planet with access to a precious water supply. In the encounter the android skip the odd numbers in the dice chain when adding or subtracting 1D. And the encounter will be designed to be a little beefy (1 hour).

Thank you for helping make this an amazing campaign. Your awesomeness makes me want to bedazzle the heck out of these two great little books for the purple planet.

Next up

Backerkit will do the "cheddar" collection for your pledge level. After that look to see a survey and make sure you got all the goodies you wanted. Then, I'm jumping into the creative cave!

So mount up and get ready to ride... (sample rough portion from "Die, Robot")





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