Studio 9 Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Gearing up for delivery...and Into the Dark!

Hello Purple Planet Horde!

The world of the Purple Planet is bursting with life. I mean just gaze upon that glorious add-ons list!  All that awesomeness is getting ready to ship. Make sure your surveys are completed, and addresses updated. Orders will get locked down soon. And while the mercurial nature of the Purple Planet has no exact date to provide, rest assured you should prepare to roll initiative!

NEW ADVENTURE . . . Into the Dark . . .

Our newest creation launches in a few months on BACKERKIT. This upcoming adventure takes zero level DCC characters into the wild world of DCC magic. Is your group timid about reaching through the philogistonian gates and grasping those wiley arcane rules by the tail? Fret no more! Into the dark orients the players (and characters) into the wild mechanics of ruling the table with magic—and occasionally getting turned into a festering pile of goo.

You can jump aboard here to assure you get a notice when it launches. Because the backers who pledge in the first 48 hour backers get special Into the Dark exclusive goodies! Hint: it's not an actual pitch covered torch, but it's dang close! Click here to join...

Light a torch and grab some rope It's time to go INTO THE DARK!

A chance dig uncovers a forgotten chamber of trapped horrors and terrible power.

Cyclops Con

Some amazing adventures are happening this month at Cyclops Con (100% online goodness). And, yes, we will be running INTO THE DARK! Everyone can jump into this online conference here:

Don't miss the singular, eye-popping, giant event of the year!





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