over 1 year ago

Project Update: Almost over and only one stretch goal left!

Here we are, only 48 hours shy of the end of the campaign. Crazy that already one month is over, and here we are, with one last stretch goal left, and us potentially having to come up with another one :) Don't get me wrong, I'd love nothing more than that :D

For that final push, we will need all the exposure we can get with this campaign, so if you see Even and I share about TEGN - Redux on our socials, if you could share that and highlight the project, that would be amazing. You are also welcome to create your own posts, of course, there is plenty of material for that in the campaign.

We very much appreciate your help in this :) 

Anyway, we are happy with how things went and Backerkit and its community have been good to us. Thank you for your continuous support and let's hope we get to add that final stretch goal to your shipment!

- Spiridon
If this goal is reached we are adding a free print for each backer!
Goal: €45,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
If this goal is reached we are adding a free premium bookmark for each backer!
Goal: €55,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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