William C. Tracy
4 months ago

Project Update: We're past $7500 and close to $8000! Backers get a sweet reward (see below)...

Hi folks!

We're over $7500 tonight, and that means backers get an extra video of how I process honey from my beehives. You have to be a backer to see it!

We're also part of BackerKit's Pride 2024 drive! There are some amazing projects (including mine) so let's get as many funded as possible!

The poll for the Lesbians in Space! t-shirt is pretty definite on the navy blue color, so that's the one we'll go with! If you've been waiting on the results, now's a great time to go in and choose the t-shirt as an addon!

Last (but not least!) I also have another book project for you to check out! Paula Sheridan, who does a lot of great marketing support for indie authors, is running her first campaign for a book based on the true story of an African man who lived most of his life without an official identity in apartheid Africa. He happened to live with Paula for many years, so this is a story near and dear to her heart. Check it out here!

And now, to see the honey harvesting video, you'll need to click through below (where it says "Reply to this Update" or "Follow this Project") to see it!
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