I just received copies of The Slayer's Magic with its new cover, and brand new copies of The Traveler's Magic, so I'll be shipping out those books this week!
The covers for The Slayer's Magic and The Traveler's Magic side by side. Both feature a backdrop of a giant library. The Slayer's Magic features a male and female silhouette sneaking while The Traveler's Magic features a great tree with a sword in a rock beneath it, and several mice gnawing at a branch from the tree.
That means we only have three more books left in the Space Wizard Year 3 roster to release!
First is Heather Tracy's book, Only a Chapter, which I showed off last update. Copy edits are going on now, and it will be released on April 22!
Only a Chapter, by Heather Tracy. The title is at the top, and against a stylized rendition of the bi pride flag, a woman with red hair and green eyes, wearing a breast cancer awareness pin, has her body turned to a faceless male figure in a tux on the right, while her eyes go to a faceless female figure in a tux on the left. The author name is at the bottom.
Second is the new version of How to Operate Your Body, my nonfiction book. I released "The Legs" last year, and after writing on "The Arms" this year, I decided it would be better to roll everything into one full book so there wouldn't be any overlap between them, especially as a lot of the exercises use your whole body. So I'm updating the cover a little to match! This one will be released mid to late May.
The words "How to Operate Your Body" contain stick figures acting out the first letter of each word. The book background is a red color against lines reminiscent of muscle fibers.
The last book released for Space Wizard Year 3 will be the 6th book in J.S. Fields' Ardulum series! This latest one is titled Ardulum: MIrrors of Andal and will be releasing in June during our Year 4 campaign!
Behind the title, a scarlet-colored space ship sits on a planet. The image is divided by a gold stipe of energy. on the left side the planet is lush with plantlife. On the right, it is a barren wasteland. The ship straddles both sides of the planet.
Speaking of our next campaign, I spent most of January and February working on developmental edits, and I'm very much looking forward to this next selection of books. Take a gander at what books are in store below or right here, and if you want to make sure to get all the latest updates (and author interviews as we start them up in April and May) then click the link below to be notified!
That's all for now! I'll have some updates next time about our second campaign coming this year!