RPG playtest!

Join in the fun! Try out a play session of either the Dissolutionverse RPG or the Creatures of Ruin RPG with the designers!

Dissolutionverse RPG: Explore the ten homeworlds! Investigate strange worlds and use music-based magic in the TTRPG set in William C. Tracy's Dissolutionverse series. Play as one of eleven species, press-your-luck die rolls, no character death, and quick character generation!

Creatures of Ruin RPG
: Play as scavengers OR giant crab monsters in a post-apocalyptic desert. Scavenge materials, protect your territory, and learn about your fellow desert-dwellers in Alex Kingsley's Creatures of Ruin TTRPG based on the world of Empress of Dust!

You'll be able to pick which RPG you want to play in your survey after the campaign ends. We will try to accommodate everyone in their selected game, but if there are two or fewer people in a game, we may ask you to switch to the other system.

You'll be able to give feedback on the design process and game features, and see how a one-shot session plays!

We will also ask you to abide by our rules of conduct and anti-harassment policies for the game. If these policies are broken, your session of play may be cut short. 

RPG playtest!


16 remaining