William C. Tracy
5 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are going out soon!

Hi Folks,

It's only been one week since this campaign finished up--hard to believe! We've gotten some more excellent submissions for Lesbians in Space. Remember, if you want to submit a story, get it polished up and sent in by December 31, 2024. All the instructions are here.

My surveys are created and approved by the BackerKit folks. I just sent out the smoke test, which goes to 5% of the backers. If you get one of these surveys, fill it out! That will help test out the system to make sure I didn't miss anything. If all looks good, in a couple days I'll send out the rest of the surveys.

Even though Lesbians in Space doesn't come out until next year, when you get your survey please fill it out soon as you can, especially if you're getting other Space Wizard books. This will help me determine the correct volumes to order, and I can ship out (or send eBooks of) any books that are currently released! So the sooner you pick your books and extra swag, the sooner they get to you!

Finally, there are about 12 of you with failed payments for the campaign. BackerKit will continue to try your card, but if you need to update it, just go in and do it, and they'll charge the card immediately. If you have other issues with it, reach out to BackerKit or to me and we can work with you on it.

That's all for now. Keep your eyes open for surveys and keep writing!

William Tracy

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