I'm astounded at the progress over the last couple days! We just passed $10,000 and our fourthstretch goal, which means any of you who backed the hardcover option will now get as many cool options as I can reasonably stuff into the book! I've got a few printer options available to look at, so make sure you vote in the poll to let me know what features you want! This will help me prioritize which printer to go with.
And if you haven't backed the hardcover option...well, it's a pretty good time to do so!
We've got 18 hours left in this campaign, and one last stretch goal to unlock! Space Wizard is a small business, and as such, I put pretty much everything I get from it back into the authors and increasing the business itself. I've run 6 other successful campaigns before this, and haven't actually made a profit on any of them! Their sole purpose is to break even, so I have the funds to produce the great stories I want to see out in the world.
This time, my wife, Heather, and I decided to add a special goal focusing only on ourselves. Now that we've covered all the main upgrades I wanted to see in this project, remaining funds will be a source of income for us for once!
Thank you all so much for believing in the project! Let's see where it takes us on the last day!
William Tracy
P.S. Verne and Doyle also say thanks for backing and for helping out with the kibbles!