Sarah A. Macklin
10 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Delay and Other Updates

Hi Soul Foodies,

I hope that everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving this week had a delightful time and you're sleeping off the effects of all that food. I just wanted to give you a heads up on a couple of things including why the comic isn't shipping out this week.

Unfortunately, I have been sick for the past week. Work gave me a nasty bug that won't go away so I haven't been able to work on the last bit of the comic at all. Much less, get it to the printer. I wanted to get it to you all this month, but it looks like I'll have to push it back to later in December. I'm truly, truly sorry for the delay.

In other news, I'm going to be locking down the orders by the end of today, Friday, November 24th, my time (EST). This means that you won't be able to change your orders any longer and won't be able to purchase any add ons. So if you want either of the comic bundles and haven't bought them, now is the time!

But do know, that I am working to get back in the swing of things and will get this comic out to you ASAP! 

Keep cooking!




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