Boy am I glad I decided to check X this morning to see Howard sharing this project. I love Sandra's writing. The first time I read her work was her essay within Altered Perceptions, and it immediately became my favorite work within that book. Reading her experiences of supporting a creative partner with mental health issues, I related to it more than I expected I would, and I revisit it at least once a year. I would later have the pleasure of meeting Sandra (and Howard) at a couple of conventions, and in our brief interactions it is clear she is a wonderful human and kind soul. Meeting her last year, we spoke about getting Howard's fancy chair and how making the work space more comfortable improved creativity and motivation. Speaking with Howard it was clear he agreed as well. I guess I write all of this to try and convince anyone on the fence to back this project. Without reading it, I am confident it will be a helpful tool worth every penny. I look forward to reading it to help my own creative endeavors, but am most excited to share it with my creative partner.

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