RV Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: January Update: Patches, Zach Vaupen Hazard, Anthers, Panda, Sam Wildman, and Editorial Team

We hope everyone had a great holiday season through December and January. We took some vacation ourselves during that time. Here's some of the progress that has been made recently since funding:
  1. Early Bird Patches have been manufactured and delivered.
  2. Zach Vaupen Hazard is completing the illustrations for the Solo Vinyl Gamebook Adventure during the month of February. This prequel adventure is now officially titled Orgy of the Blood Leeches: Thicker Than Blood.
  3. Anthers is going into the studio in March to record the original audio for Orgy of the Blood Leeches: Thicker Than Blood.
  4. We're working with Panda to finalize our specs and quotes for the box now that we know standees will be included.
  5. Sam Wildman is working on some really innovative maps, and I hope we'll have a new WIP to share during our next update.
  6. Christian Sorrell has taken a slightly larger role on the editorial team. During the month of March, we will hold an editorial team meeting consisting of: myself, D.N. Wilkie, Greenspore, and Christian Sorrell. We will take a look together at the final manuscript together to identify any major revisions to make before passing it over to D.N. Wilkie and Greenspore to further layout and revise. This team will come back together to look at the laid out draft created by D.N. Wilkie and Greenspore to identify any final revisions needed before proofing, printing, and distribution. You can also expect to see a couple posts about this process in detail on The Adventure Gaming Periodical, the RV Games newsletter, in the coming weeks.
  7. Late Pledges are available and will be available all the way until fulfillment.

See you next month, same bat time, same bat place!

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