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Orgy of the Blood Leeches: A Deluxe Campaign Adventure for Mothership RPG

Orgy of the Blood Leeches: A Deluxe Campaign Adventure for Mothership RPG

Who Killed Brianna Pilgrim? Catch a killer onboard Trellick Station in this deluxe campaign adventure for Mothership 1e.
$34,757 🎉
of $10,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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This project is part of MOTHERSHIP MONTH 👽, which runs from November 12th - December 12th 2024. Learn more →


I'd like to say that I'm stunned by the scope and ambition of your project. It sounds truly incredible, and I'll be eagerly anticipating the finished result.

Luke Gearing, Writer of Gradient Descent and Wolves Upon the Coast

Prototype pictured with optional warden screen holder and TKG official warden screen. Holder will be available as an add-on via Pledge Manager after the campaign.

Parasitic Leeches have overrun Trellick Station, a luxury living space station built for white collar workers.

A young adult trans sex worker, Brianna Pilgrim, was murdered and a mysterious doctor running a practice in organ replacing leeches disappeared.

The system is on the verge of a war. Reactionary evangelists, radical feminist separatists, and corporate fascists are squaring up against the Interstellar Sex Workers Union.

Are you able to solve the murder in time? Can you find justice for Brianna before her death is used as a pawn in the political game?

Orgy of the Blood Leeches Hardbound Edition Mockup, Art Will Change

What is Orgy of the Blood Leeches?

A twisted descent into a sex-soaked, blood-filled, Queer horror story by one of Mothership’s leading auteurs.

watt, Creator of Cloud Empress

Orgy of the Blood Leeches is a deluxe boxed campaign adventure for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1e. It is designed to provide a 40-60 hour long, immersive sim inspired campaign, and it contains everything you need to play the module, ready for the table. It's partially a capsule game, but uses Mothership 1e instead of providing a custom system and pre-generated characters. It also supports solo or Wardenless play out of the box in addition to traditional play with a Warden.

Orgy of the Blood Leeches Box Mockup

Every edition of Orgy of the Blood Leeches contains the following in either digital or physical form.

The Book

  • Gameplay Scenario
  • Render of the Exterior of Trellick Station
  • 10 Suspects
  • 10 Creatures
    • Include dice AI
  • A d20 table of Twin Peaks inspired cryptic dreams
  • A d100 table of clues
  • An oracle for solo or Wardenless play
  • 7 District Scale "City" Maps
  • 7 Crawl Scale "Dungeon" Maps
    • A crawl procedure that supports Wardened, solo, or Wardenless play
  • 7 Full Spread Illustrations by Amanda Lee Franck
    • A Mini Graphic Novel Depicting the Final Two Weeks of Brianna Pilgrim's Life

Creature Card Mockup

Supplemental Materials

  • Book of Gameplay Tables
  • Suspect and Creature Cards
  • Warden Tracker Board
  • A Sheet of 100 Counters
  • A Movie Poster
  • A Soundtrack by the Seattle Post-Punk Noise Rock Band Anthers Accompanied by a A Solo Gamebook Adventure by Violet Ballard
    • Available as a Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure

Mockup of the Orgy of the Blood Leeches Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure, Art Will Change

Appendix N

For Mature Audiences Only

Orgy of the Blood Leeches contains violent and sexual content and is only recommended for people seventeen years or older.

Orgy of the Blood Leeches is suggested for mature audiences only.

Mothership License

Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For additional information, visit or contact [email protected].

Mothership 1e License


Digital Assets

  • Digital assets include images, maps, and raw text necessary for adapting the game materials into play and for VTT use.
  • Digital assets also include Print & Play versions of the cards, counters, and maps included in the Deluxe Box Set. You can make your own!

Suspect Cards Mockup

Digital Edition - $23 USD ($31 CAD, 18£ GBP, 23€ EUR, $34 AUD) 

  • Get a PDF of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
  • Digital Assets
  • All Digital Stretch Goals

Deluxe Digital Edition - $37 USD ($50 CAD, 28£ GBP, 37€ EUR, $55 AUD)

  • Get the Digital Edition of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
  • Receive digital copies of the following prequel adventures: 
    • Rampant
    • Mitosis: Escape From STAR Station
    • Hecate Cassette Archive
    • Return to STAR Station
  • Receive a digital copy of Advanced Rules
    • Over 100 pages of house rules for Mothership 1e, get the most out of your game!

Advanced Rules Mockup

RV Games Digital Bundle - $71 USD ($97 CAD, 55£ GBP, 71€ EUR, $105 AUD)

  • Get the Digital Deluxe Digital Edition of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
  • Get a digital copy of RV Games entire available back catalog. This is updated over time, once they hit retail, you receive digital copies of all new RV Games releases moving into the future!

Retailer - $1 USD ($1.50 CAD, 0.75£ GBP, 0.90€ EU, $1.5 AUS)

  • Gain access to a wholesale shop
  • $13 USD (CAD, GBP, EU, $19 AUS) Shipping + $1 USD (CAD, GBP, EU, $1.50 AUS)/Item Ordered

Hardcover Book - $43 USD ($58 CAD, 32£ GBP, 38€ EU, $63 AUS)

  • Get a hardcover copy of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
  • Get the Deluxe Digital Edition


  • The Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure by Anthers and Violet Ballard is available as an add-on for $35 USD ($47 CAD, 26£ GBP, 31€ EU, $52 AUS). You are also charged an additional $5 USD ($7 CAD, 4£ GBP, 4.50€ EU, $7 AUS) in shipping if you order the vinyl.

Deluxe Box - $79 USD ($106 CAD, 60£ GBP, 71€ EU, $116 AUS)

Prototype Warden materials pictured with optional warden screen holder and TKG official Warden screen. The holder will be available after the campaign as an add-on via Pledge Manager.

  • Get a hardcover copy of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
    • Includes Deluxe Digital Edition as stated above
  • Printed Tables and Hackers Handbook Network Booklet
  • 7 Fold Out Crawl Maps
  • 1 Sheet of 100 Counters
  • A Dry Erase Warden Tracker Board
  • 10 Suspect Cards and 10 Creature Cards
  • An 11"x17" Movie Poster
  • A Zip Lock Bag
  • A Dry Erase Marker

Mockup of movie poster by Zach Hazard Vaupen - Pictured in its natural environment onboard Trellick Station


  • The Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure by Anthers and Violet Ballard is available as an add-on for $35 USD ($47 CAD, 26£ GBP, 31€ EU, $52 AUS). You are also charged an additional $5 USD ($7 CAD, 4£ GBP, 4.50€ EU, $7 AUS) in shipping if you order the vinyl.

Crowdfunding Edition - $149 USD ($200 CAD, 112£ GBP, 133€ EU, $219 AUS)

Prototype player map, Creature cards, Suspect cards, counters, standees, and optional dice boot. Dice boot will be available after the campaign as an add-on via Pledge Manager.

  • Get a Deluxe Box of Orgy of the Blood Leeches
  • Physical Prequel Zines
    • Rampant
    • Mitosis: Escape From STAR Station
    • Hecate Cassette Archive
  • Physical Edition of Advanced Rules
  • Solo Vinyl Gamebook Adventure by Anthers and Violet Ballard
  • RV Games Digital Bundle
    • Get a digital copy of RV Games entire available back catalog. This is updated over time, once they hit retail, you receive digital copies of all new RV Games releases moving into the future!

Mockup of Hecate Cassette Archive

$10k - Funding Secured - UNLOCKED

$13k - Digital Solo Prequel Adventure - UNLOCKED

  • Violet Ballard will write a digital solo prequel adventure to Orgy of the Blood Leeches.

$15k - Player Facing Handouts - UNLOCKED

  • A real estate brochure for Trellick Station and a recruiting pamphlet for the Interstellar Sex Workers Union will be included in the Deluxe Box. This will be a remastered version of RV Games current ISWU recruiting pamphlet with brand-new human illustrated art.

$17k - Bookmark Ribbon - UNLOCKED

  • A bookmark ribbon is added to the Hardcover Book.

$20k - Foundry Module - UNLOCKED

  • A foundry module is developed for Orgy of the Blood Leeches. All backers receive access to this module through DrivethruRPG and Itch. There is not guaranteed ongoing support guaranteed if a future version of Foundry breaks the module.

Foundry Virtual Tabletop Logo

$23k - Increase Number of Foldout Maps - UNLOCKED

  • All maps are now included on the fold out maps: district maps and Quarantine Zone maps. The total number of foldout maps increases from 7 to 14. These are printed two-sided, so this increases the number of maps from 4 sheets to 7 sheets of maps.

$26k - Return to STAR Station Added to Deluxe Digital and Crowdfunding Edition - UNLOCKED

  • Another prequel solo/Wardenless adventure is added to the package, Return to STAR Station, featuring the art of Evlyn Moreau.

Return to STAR Station Cover

$30k - Maps Upgraded to Boards

  • Maps are now mounted on boards, so they are sturdier and feature a dry erase coating. You can now write directly on the map on the table with permanently altering it.

$33k - Suspect and Creature Standees

Standees Prototypes

$36k - Creature Cards Upgraded to Dry Erase Mats

  • Creature Cards are now dry erase warden and player aids, you can now write directly on them for tracking health and other notes.

Mockup of a Creature Tracker Mat, Subject to Change

$40k - Player Standees

  • More art will be commissioned by Amanda Lee Franck for player standees.

$45k - Remaster Rampant

  • The prequel adventure Rampant gets a remaster including professional editing, layout, and illustrations.

$50k - Extra Music From Anthers

  • A second side is added to the Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure.
    • The extra audio is also included in the Digital Assets for all backers.

We have gone with what we believe is a very conservative timeline for our first project at this scale where we are producing a hardbound book and a boxed set. Crowdfunding Gremlins are real, so we're trying not to be too optimistic with the timeline we propose here.

Crowdfunding Gremlin

Development - Writing, Editing, Illustration, Rendering, and Layout

  • November 2024 - November 2025

Orgy of the Blood Leeches is produced in an iterative manner where we edit and gather art and layout spreads as we move forward, this means that we can't really put a traditional writing->editing->art->layout pipeline.

The manuscript for the main book has been written and dev edited. Some portions of the text have gone through copy and line editing and will be moving into layout shortly. The book of tables and the Hacker's Handbook network still need to be written.

All spot art has already been illustrated and paid for. This campaign will pay for the full spread illustrations by Amanda Lee Franck that tell the story of the final two weeks of Brianna Pilgrim's life.

The renders for the district maps will enter into production once we secure funding.

We will start laying out counters, posters, cards, and the vinyl as soon as possible as well. All of these additional pieces add onto our layout time and budget.

Physical Production

  • December 2025-May 2026

We have manufacturers in place for a smaller run and for a larger run. The smaller run is more of a prototype, and we would probably seek to fund an upgraded edition of the game at another time if we end up with a smaller run. With a larger run, we're hoping for a decent sized run with FLGS and con presence through Tuesday Knight Games, Indie Press Revolution, Compose Dream Games, and others.


  • June-August 2026

RV Games uses ShipBob as a third party logistics provider. They provide warehousing, kitting, and shipping for our campaign and allow use to offer delivery duty paid shipping worldwide with hubs in the U.S., Canada, U.K., the EU, and Australia that allow us to offer an equal flat rate of pledge level shipping to everyone worldwide. We believe that ShipBob can kit and fulfill our orders worldwide within this timeframe.

During the Campaign

There is one add-on available during the campaign for backers of the Hardcover Book or Deluxe Box, our Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure by Anthers and Violet Ballard. If you already own the supplementary materials that come with the Kickstarter edition, you are still able to purchase a copy of this unique piece of gaming and music.

A well thought out sprawling murder mystery with the tense investigative vibes of Blade Runner. A bulls eye on the Mothership target for flavor and tone.

Marco Serrano, Spicy Tuna Games, Publisher of Constant Downpour, Knights of Lazarus, Familiar Faces, and Greenhorns

After the Campaign

You will be able to purchase products from RV Games back catalog, a selection of third party ttrpg zines and books, and a small selection of Chessex accessories after the campaign via Pledge Manager.

WIP Render of Trellick Station by Sam Wildman


  • Worldwide shipping will be organized by RV Games via ShipBob.
  • The following table shows estimated shipping rates. These are only estimates and can change between now and fulfillment.
Shipping Estimates for Orgy of the Blood Leeches

Pledge Manager

RV Games will be using BackerKit as a pledge manager once the campaign is complete. We will be using a feature called Auto-lock and Charge that will lock your order and charge you for shipping and add-ons when you complete your survey. For this reason, you will end up receiving your survey a little later than you may be used to, surveys will go out once products have arrived at the warehouse.


Shipping is included in the price of the add-ons purchased through BackerKit except for heavier items including the Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure. These heavier add-ons have a $5 USD ($7 CAD, 4£ GBP, 5€ EUR, $8 AUS) shipping surcharge. The Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure will also be charged a 6£ Fee for VAT, Duties, and Administration when shipped to the UK. Only the Soundtrack Vinyl Solo Gamebook Adventure item will be charged UK VAT through BackerKit, the rest of the printed materials do not incur VAT in the UK.

All major contributors receive equity in addition to upfront fees for their work. Everyone involved with the project does better when the project does better.

Prototype Counters, Art Also Available Digitally for VTT Tokens

Writer and Producer - Violet Ballard

Violet Ballard

Dr. Violet is a proudly Queer mom and educator from Fresno, California. She is the owner of RV Games and the writer of the Mothership modules Slasher and Rampant.

Editor - Greenspore


Greenspore is the creator pre-Mothership 1e Shipbreaker’s Toolkit hack known as Miniships and is part of upcoming 1e adventure anthologies.

Illustrator - Amanda Lee Franck

Amanda Lee Franck

Amanda Lee Franck is a Chicago-based artist and writer working on making up new kinds of monsters, zines, and comics. She is best known for a trilogy of boat-based rpgs that include You Got a Job on the Garbage Barge and Vampire Cruise.

Modeler - Sam Wildman

Sam Wildman is a freelance illustrator and hard science fiction pedant whose art has appeared in first-party publications, including the Shipbreaker’s Toolkit, Another Bug Hunt, and Orphans, as well as third-party adventures including The Oceans Are Endless On Meridian and Graveyard Of The Gods. He also has development editing credits in the 1e Player’s Survival Guide and Shipbreaker’s Toolkit.

Graphic Designer - D.N. Wilkie

Anxiety Wizard AKA D.N. Wilkie

D.N. Wilkie is a graphic designer specializing in books for tabletop roleplaying games. Their work includes The Stygian Library, Crapland Squared, & Killing in the Name.

Developmental Editor - Christian Sorrell

Christian Sorrell

Christian Sorrell, known online as MeatCastle, is a full-time writer, editor, and designer. He is the creator of the upcoming game Tacticians of Ahm, several Mothership modules including The Bloodfields at Blackstar Station, and supplements for a number of other indie roleplaying games. 


Early Bird

An early bird batch designed by Lone Archivist is free for physical edition backers who backed within the first 48 hours of the campaign. This patch is only available for early bird backers.

Patch Mockup

Returning Backer

RV Games Logo
If you've backed an RV Games campaign before and you back a physical edition, you will receive a $3 USD ($4 CAD, 2£ GBP, 2.50€ EU, $4.50AUD) credit in BackerKit that you can use to help pay for shipping or add-ons.

All Mothership Month Campaigns Have Funded

All physical backers will receive a free RV Games acrylic pin.

Brace yourself for Mothership Month—a group-collab project led by Tuesday Knight Games featuring some of the brightest stars from the Mothership third-party publishing (3PP) community. Each 👩‍🚀 creator has launched a brand new adventure filled with criminals, smugglers, and rimspace pirates.


Mothership Month Supply Pods

🚀 Back 5+ projects at the physical level and gain access to the SUPPLY PODS. All Supply Pods are now unlocked, so backing just 5 projects will get you all of the below:

  • 🌟 Supply Pod 1 (Unlocked!): 1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS. Each pack contains 13 pre-made character cards ready for use as pre-gen characters or NPCs. Each pack comes with at least one FOIL card.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 2 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, 5 foil campaign project stickers.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 3 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +5 foil campaign project stickers, and an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin!
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 4 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +11 foil campaign project stickers, and Shadow of a Doubt a brand new "reverse murder mystery" pamphlet adventure by Ian Yusem (Hull Breach, The Drain).

All in: if you back 5+ projects you're getting 4 Character Card packs (an entire deck of cards), 21 foil project stickers, an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin, and a brand new adventure pamphlet.

Are there more Supply Pods to come? We're looking into it now!

Streams, Interviews, and more!

All month long, we're diving into the void with daily streams, unsettling interviews, and exclusive, heart-pounding reveals. Whether you're a veteran spacer or new to the Mothership, join us in celebrating the universe’s bravest survivors…and those who didn’t make it back.

Thanks for joining us on our first ever Mothership Month! 👽
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Orgy of the Blood Leeches: A Deluxe Campaign Adventure for Mothership RPG

Orgy of the Blood Leeches: A Deluxe Campaign Adventure for Mothership RPG

👋 This project contains mature content and may not be suitable for all audiences.

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