Rowan, Rook and Decard
20 days ago

Project Update: Behind the Scenes: New Graphic Design (and a media roundup)

The revolution will not, as far as we know, be televised, but it is gradually infiltrating the media.

First up, we have the latest of Minerva's design blogs - this time about the core rules of Voidheart Symphony. Many of you are familiar with how the game works, but the blog's an excellent refresher and a great lead-in to some more upcoming posts.

Second, for your listening pleasure, we present a fireside chat about Voidheart, featuring Grant and Minerva. This is 45 minutes of bliss: two superb game designers talking meaning, intent, and mechanics. There are jokes, too.

Finally, to prove we are letting Mina work on the book as well as promoting it, here's a glimpse of some of the refreshed design.

I really love this one: Mina's fully leaning into the zine aesthetic here, and it feels so right.

Actually, I love this one, too. Representing the agents of the Castle - the Vassal's Avatar and Enforcers - like this is both striking and suitably cosmically horrifying.

Then there's this excellent spread that makes the expanding network of personal connections really easy to visualise even when it starts getting juicy and complex. Plus, I'm very much here for the point that a community is a critical mass of personal connections.

One of the many things Minerva's been thinking about is adding strong, clear iconography to more aspects of the game, and it pays off here.

This one I'm sharing partially because I would happily get this at poster size and put it on my wall (not currently an option, sadly. Unless...), and also because long-time UFO Press fans might recognise that castle silhouette...

And finally - a glimpse of some of Voidheart's Covenants, because February is for The Lovers. (I'm sorry, I got through the whole day without making a terrible Valentine's Day joke, let me have one!)

I hope this has been a suitably enticing visual treat, and I also hope you'll check out the fireside chat and Mina's blog - they're both really illuminating, intelligent, and fun looks at Voidheart Symphony in different levels of detail, and we're all really proud of them. 

Next week, keep an eye out for a tasty manuscript preview.

For now, though - goodbye, Rebels. See you next time.

- Chant





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