Rowan, Rook and Decard
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Behind the Scenes: Playbook Restyle

You know how we said that Mina was using this extra time before the crowdfunder to work on more tweaks and upgrades? We've got something to show you.

Our first behind the scenes peek comes in the form of changes to the Voidheart Symphony playbook designs. We're revising the book, but the book's only part of the play experience; most players will spend a lot more time looking at their playbook.

First, here's the old version. Perfectly useable character sheet, but Mina's ambitions and skills have progressed.

Next, the redesign - brighter, clearer, more space for notes:

It's a little hard to see in the still image, but this is a folded pamphlet. The gif shows it better.

Mina's also working on some more interactivity for the web versions of these sheets, for those of you who (like Chant and Mina) play most of your games online. This is form fillable (of course) and we're working on adding tooltips so you don't need to open the rulebook to check what a Move does.

A gif of the digital playbook in action.

These are still a work in progress: we're not just posting them to show off (though that's definitely some of it), but to see what you think. So - what do you think? Any feedback, suggestions, advice? You can also leave a comment if you just want to praise the designs, we don't object. 

- Chant and Mina
user avatar image for Minerva McJanda





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