I woke up this morning to y'all making it happen! We've unlocked the Raven Familiar pin, and we're on to the next! Witch (ba-dum-dum) pin should it be?
If you've backed at any level, you can vote in the poll linked below! Let me know what unlocks when we get to $1450!
Thanks and please vote!
PS - The "Early Raven" pledge tiers go away in 24 hours, so if you're sitting on the fence, be sure to back now to get those discounts in! After 10am PT this Saturday, those tiers go away, nevermore to be found, so lock it in and get those sweet sweet discounted rates!
PPS - If you don't see the number of pins you want (ie. four pins), you've got two options. You can back at a lower number and then add on individual pins to get to the number you want. Or, you can be a superhero and back at a higher tier and then give the extra pins to a friend ;)