Rawren Designs
3 months ago

Project Update: Long Overdue Update on Surveys!

Hello everyone, I know that it has been a while since I last updated about surveys going out. I just wanted to get on here and apologize for the length of time that it has taken me to finalize the surveys and get Backerkit's approval to send out a smoke test. 

Those of you who have seen my social media pages might know that this past month, one of our furbabies Baymax had to be put down due to his Nasal Carcinoma getting too aggressive. When his cancer started progressing faster and faster these last few months, I will admit that I dropped everything to spend as much time with him as possible. This came in the form of not completing the surveys, not posting on social media, and not going to markets/conventions that I had gotten into. On top of that, we had a pipe back up in our house and it flooded/destroyed our bathroom and part of the kitchen, and we've been fighting the insurance over that for a while. As they say, if it's one thing its a lot of things at once.

While I am still grieving, I am trying to make a conscience effort to get back into the swing of things with my business and this campaign. I know that I cannot make up for lost time, but I hope that you all come to understand the reason behind my silence. 

I sent over the campaign surveys to be approved by Backerkit so that I can send out a smoke test hopefully this week, so we can get the ball rolling on that. In the meantime, my manufacturer is verifying that they still have my mold for the boba design, and if not, will make a new one. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment on here or message me via any social media platform. I appreciate your patience and understanding while I have been silent online. 





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