Project Update: The Alleyman Cometh | Add-Ons Explained | The Etched in Stone Tier
The Alleyman Cometh
It's no secret that the Alleyman's Tarot was the biggest tarot crowdfunding project of all time, and that it's been a long time coming. We have now locked in July 15th as the date when the site will open for sales. But because we have time before then, and because the pricing on the Alleyman's Tarot is going up quite a bit for the late sales, I wanted to offer sets here and now.
So you can now add-on $100 for a full set of the Alleyman's Tarot, including the deck, the guidebook, and Booster Packs 1-4, or you can add-on $120 to your order for a full set plus the sweet mahogany wooden cigar box that fits the deck in its original deckbox.
Pledge now to get access to the Alleyman's Tarot add-on.
This is a $28 savings from the pricing we'll offer on the shop when it opens in July, so it's a good time to get it while you can. This will only be available for people who back this campaign, it will not be an available add-on for people who place pre-orders after this campaign ends. So you can increase your pledge by $100 or $120 now to set that money aside early, or you will be able to add it to your pledge in the pledge manager after the campaign, alongside your pledge tier.
A reminder that every backer on this project will get to use the pledge manager-- it's an innate part of making a pledge. You don't have to pick any specific tier to get access to it after the campaign to add items! :)
So you can now add-on $100 for a full set of the Alleyman's Tarot, including the deck, the guidebook, and Booster Packs 1-4, or you can add-on $120 to your order for a full set plus the sweet mahogany wooden cigar box that fits the deck in its original deckbox.
Pledge now to get access to the Alleyman's Tarot add-on.
This is a $28 savings from the pricing we'll offer on the shop when it opens in July, so it's a good time to get it while you can. This will only be available for people who back this campaign, it will not be an available add-on for people who place pre-orders after this campaign ends. So you can increase your pledge by $100 or $120 now to set that money aside early, or you will be able to add it to your pledge in the pledge manager after the campaign, alongside your pledge tier.
A reminder that every backer on this project will get to use the pledge manager-- it's an innate part of making a pledge. You don't have to pick any specific tier to get access to it after the campaign to add items! :)
Add-Ons Explained
I've seen a bit of confusion about add-ons and pledge tiers. Pledge Tiers are the thing you select to make a pledge, and they include only what is listed at that tier. Add-Ons are extra items you can add to your pledge after you've picked a Pledge Tier.
On this campaign, to claim an add-on, that will actually come after the project, when we go to the pledge manager (and anyone who pledged on this campaign will get into the pledge manager, regardless of pledge tier). This happens about a week or so after the campaign ends, and you'll all be able to go into your pledge and pick individual items to add to your cart from the Add-Ons list. Because it doesn't happen until the campaign is done, you are not required to do anything right now to claim add-ons. However, if you adjust your pledge and add the amount of $$ that the add-ons you want will cost now before the campaign ends, that will do two things:
1) You'll help increase the funds earned on the campaign right now, while we're still trying to hit stretch goals.
2) You'll pre-emptively set aside the funds you want to spend on add-ons, which when we get to the Pledge Manager, becomes account credit you can then assign to the add-ons you want! This will be very helpful if you want to make sure you keep an eye on how much you spend on this project, as it makes sure everything but shipping is coming out with your pledge.
I heard people wanting just the plastic set of dice or just the book or just the cloth for various reasons, so I'm also including the components of a basic pledge as add-ons starting today.
Etched in Stone Choices
And so many of you have waited patiently for this, so I'm happy to announce the stone choices for the Stone Dice Set! I am working with a stone dice manufacturer to make this happen, and worked within their catalogue of available stones. Here were my choices.
Actions Die (Pink w black) Natural light amethyst with black ink
Obstacle Die (Red with black) Natural Red Stone with black ink
Element Die (Beige with black) Natural Flower Green with black ink
Relations (White with black) Natural White Jade with black ink
Suits (Gray with black) Natural Cardinals with gray ink
Majors (Black with red) Natural Obsidian with red ink
Winter (blue with white) Natural Snow Stone with light blue ink
Spring (green with yellow) Natural Indian Agate with Yellow ink
Summer (yellow with red) Natural Yellow Jade with Red ink
Autumn (Orange with black) Natural Tiger Eye Color with grey ink
Metamorphosis (Purple with orange) Synthetic Wood Grain Stone with Purple ink
Alchemist (dark blue with white/green) Natural Amethyst with very light green ink
Mariner's (Teal with white) Natural Lazurite with teal ink
Fate (Bone with Purple) Natural Wood Grain Stone with metallic purple or red ink
Wounds Natural Colored Fluorite with red ink
Kindness Natural Opal with gold ink
Attention Natural Flash light stone with silver ink
Longings Aventurine Jade with purple ink
Goblin Natural Hematite with dark green ink
Alleyman Natural Picture Jasper with bronze metallic ink
Influences Finch Stone with off-white ink
Here I have each die listed, with their original color combination in parentheses, then the stone and ink combinations I'm choosing for each. I stayed with natural stones in most every case, but exhausted their catalogue in a couple spots, such as with the Metamorphosis die where I liked the synthetic wood grain for that die. I left the Rainbow Stone aside to use on the 22nd die I think, but we'll see how that comes to pass. At this time the guidebook will be intended to include a picture of the stone die in their dice sections, but there will be nothing in the book that talks much about the stone collection, nor will it go into detail about the stone's properties. All tiers that get a book will get the same book. (Someone asked so I wanted to be clear!)
We are nearing completion of the updates to the original dice set's symbols, and when that happens, I will be sending those in to have a set made ahead of time and will of course share as soon as I have pictures to! And of course-- I will do an update just about the updated symbols of the original dice!
Thank you,
your Pub Gob
Here I have each die listed, with their original color combination in parentheses, then the stone and ink combinations I'm choosing for each. I stayed with natural stones in most every case, but exhausted their catalogue in a couple spots, such as with the Metamorphosis die where I liked the synthetic wood grain for that die. I left the Rainbow Stone aside to use on the 22nd die I think, but we'll see how that comes to pass. At this time the guidebook will be intended to include a picture of the stone die in their dice sections, but there will be nothing in the book that talks much about the stone collection, nor will it go into detail about the stone's properties. All tiers that get a book will get the same book. (Someone asked so I wanted to be clear!)
We are nearing completion of the updates to the original dice set's symbols, and when that happens, I will be sending those in to have a set made ahead of time and will of course share as soon as I have pictures to! And of course-- I will do an update just about the updated symbols of the original dice!
Thank you,
your Pub Gob