Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: US and Canada Orders About to Send! | International Orders Sent! | The Final Deadline

Hello dice goblins!

As of today, the vessel with the US and Canadian orders has landed in the states. We don't have our shipping container just yet, but likely should this week, next week at the latest if there are customs issues with the ship. That means you should be receiving shipping notices this week into next week for those orders.

International orders were all already sent out, shipping notices are going to people in ongoing batches as things reach their checkpoints. This would be all the orders that were completed in time for me sending things over to the fulfillment center.

Late Surveys and Shipping Payments

I know many people were worried about if they were one of the people who didn't pay shipping or who didn't do their surveys. But they didn't know how to get there!

From backer MariexLupin on the previous update:
  • This was a pain for me to find too. At the top of the site, if you click your profile pic, it will open a menu. Click "Your Pledges and Surveys". It will take you to the "Your Pledges on Backerkit" page. You have to click the "Your Surveys" option near the top of the page, and that will let you click through to your order review page.

This should get you clear access to your pledge to see if your stuff is all up to date. Thanks Marie!

Just now, I went in and added shipping costs to 38 people who got their surveys in late. Or rather-- I sent it to my Backerkit representative who is now putting it onto those 38 people. I can't do it myself, it's all on their backend. Once those are through, I will charge those people.

On Friday the 28th this month, I will be putting the 100~ or so people who have their things in late (surveys or shipping charges) into a sheet to give to the fulfillment center to send packages out.

As of today, we have 23 people who haven't filled out their surveys (I just emailed all of them), 25 people whose cards have failed to charge that need to clear things with their banks or update the card on file to be charged, and 66 people who are set to go that will be sent in the batch of late orders on Friday.

The Final Deadline

A reminder of last update's Final Deadline.

For the 100 people still fixing shipping costs and surveys, you have until May 16th to get it done, or to reach out to Backerkit support/me for any assistance you need to get things set in place. Up to and about a week after that time, I will put orders through with New Titan to fulfill them.

After that time (May 16th, 2023), any unclaimed rewards will be forfeit. I have a difficult time the larger these projects get maintaining late surveys and shipping orders. There are still 200 people on the Alleyman's Tarot who never filled out their surveys. Here and now, and into the future, I'm putting some limits on all future projects for how long after we fulfill I'll accept and handle late orders.

If you talk to me now I can always be flexible for things I am made aware of! But there does need to be a final deadline in place, or else sometimes I find people expect me to fulfill 1, 2, even 4 years later, when I no longer have the product! (That just happened!)

After May 16th, any pledges left unclaimed, either because surveys were left undone, or shipping left unpaid, will consider the pledge rewards forfeit. I will not be doing refunds on those, with the funds paid-in considered support for the project.

Thanks all!






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