Project Update: Wood Box Engraving Vote! | Oracle Tier | Winter Maiden | Where To Go From Here!
Wood Box Engraving?
I've had a few people ask me about the wood box engraving, and if they'll all for sure have the goblin head on them. At first I said yes, but now I'm accepting that for some people that might be a deal breaker on the box, and the box is so cool, so I want to make it available. So let's take a vote on alternatives we might like!
Would you like:
The Goblin Face!
A circle of 21 main faces of the dice!
A Blank top!
... or something else entirely! Let me know in the comments!
I will offer the Goblin face and another or maybe two and a blank top version. There is a logo on the bottom as a small square, which you can see here. That will be on all of them, it's a mark of pride because I designed them and I'm very proud of them! So consider it something of a maker's mark.
Oracle Tier
Now that we're past day 1, where people were getting the Lord's Oracle for free, I feel comfortable offering an Oracle tier that is just the Oracle Decks. Please note if you change to it now and your original pledge was in the first 24 hours, you're still getting the Lord's for free, so you'll just be getting two.
This new tier offers the Lord's Oracle and the full 126-card oracle deck of the dice faces, and it will include the dice guidebook so you can read the faces and card meanings from that. I'll get images up for that on the campaign and on the pledge tier itself soon!
The Winter Maiden
The seasons have come, from Spring to Summer to Autumn, and now a chill wind takes the air. In all her contemplative frosty attire, the Maiden of Winter arrives, inviting a time of introspection and memory.
Where do we go from here?
The campaign is still growing, though quite a bit slower than I'd imagined after the day 1. I'd put off setting the stretch goals at first because I felt I wanted a feel for the new campaign, but I had people asking about their amounts and we'd just had an incredible day 1, so I set them around what I thought might happen. We're clearly not going to reach those upper heights at this pace, so I'm doing a couple things:
I'll be approaching 'marketing' on the project differently, and find new ways to draw people in with some fun interactive campaigns.
I'll be re-setting the stretch goals this week based on our new trajectory.
This week, I am going to share with you all some really exciting stuff about the dice set's redesign, and we'll talk the stone set's stone selection!
Thank you all you amazing folks! Talk soon